Michigan: Poacher caught with 400 pounds of salmon in trunk

A trunk full of fish. What sounds like a dream come true for some anglers led to a complaint in the US state of Michigan. Environmental Protection Agency officials followed a tip from an angler who had observed poachers fishing for salmon. They caught the group in the act on the Manistee River.

Poachers caught over 50 salmon using illegal methods

“At this time of year the rivers here are full of Coho- and Chinook Salmon‘ said Grant Emery, sergeant at the agency. “Unfortunately, although black fishing has decreased in recent years, we still encounter illegal and unconventional methods.”

The two officers, Josiah Killingbeck and Scott MacNeill, approached the group. The clue they received quickly turned out to be true. The poachers used illegal trapping methods – which, was the message not to be taken. Also, none of them owned a valid fishing permit. They were from the neighboring state Colorado traveled to Michigan to go fishing. At the time of the inspection, the poachers had caught and knocked off 17 salmon. However, that was only part of their haul.

Also interesting

Fortunately, instead of discussing the matter, the poachers showed understanding and led the officers to their cars. There, the two environmentalists found another 40 to 50 salmon in cool boxes. In all, the agency reported 463 pounds (210 kilograms) of fish, some already filleted. Officials confiscated the salmon and distributed them to families in the area.

Officials thanked the angler who reported the case

“It’s sad that this group spent the time and money traveling to Michigan only to illegally harvest salmon there – a valuable natural resource,” added Emery. One is very grateful to the angler who approached the officials. Thanks to his quick action, it was possible to bring the fish to a purpose in good time.

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With a permit from the state of Michigan, the poachers were even allowed to catch a total of 30 salmon; of course only with permitted methods. Now, however, they face a $4,630 fine for illegally taking the fish.

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