Michelle Vieth: The First Case of Revenge Pornography in Mexico and Her Fight for Justice

2023-09-15 22:13:13

Michelle Vieth during the series premiere The Junior in April 2023 (Credit: Adrián Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images).

“I experienced the first case of revenge pornography in Mexico”remember Michelle Vieth. She does not want her words to be misinterpreted, she does not say it as if it were a pretentious title, much less that she is pitied for it. The actress recognizes herself as a woman victim of the outburst of an ex-partner who tried to tarnish her reputation almost two decades ago.

The actress of melodramas like My little naughty y Dreamers refers to one of his most intimate and raw moments, that sex video that was leaked in 2004 when he was in the middle of a divorce from her then husband, also actor Héctor Soberón.

Michelle has been singled out, judged and, of course, suffered from the situation. But in 2017 she decided that it was time to stop this abuse from both the press and the person who was the author of that leak. The actress pointed out her ex-partner and took legal action to defend against revenge porn.

Vieth has been trying for a couple of years to have Soberón brought before the authorities for this crime. He has no evidence of his guilt but assures that those leaked images were part of intimate moments that they both shared. Although he has not achieved any resolution in his favor, he has been able to do something more so that other people can defend themselves against a similar nightmare.

“I had to experience the first case of revenge pornography in Mexico. At the time the internet was not legible and there were no laws that protected us as women, today they exist, there are and every day work is being done so that there are more laws that protect us and I think that something that I am very clear about is that “If I was the first, although it sounds pretentious, I would also like to be the last.”says the actress in the program Confessions from Aurora Valley.

The actress is an active promoter of the revenge porn law initiativeone that would complement the Olympia Law (recognizes digital violence and punishes crimes that violate the sexual intimacy of people through digital media). The pornovenganza It consists of the unauthorized publication of images or recordings of a sexual nature that were normally made and shared within the privacy of a relationship, and that once this relationship ended, they have been disseminated over the Internet with the aim of harming or blackmailing the victim. .

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“Unfortunately we see these cases all the time. As I said and when I was asked, I reiterate, If it’s not me who achieves this fight, if it’s not me who gets this law passedit will be my children who continue this fight,” says the host.

His fight, as he calls it, began in 2015 “with short but firm steps” (some states have included this figure in their penal codes). “At the federal level, the Revenge Pornography Law has not been approved, we are looking for applicability, for a team of professionals to join the cause and for people who agree with this law to be present so that the applicability of this law is achieved. “the law in the complete republic. To prevent our daughters or sons or future generations from happening to them.”

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A concern that concerns everyone

Championing this cause is very personal for Michelle, but she wants its benefits to be for everyone, not just women and children, but every human being.

“I am looking to be able to reach something that benefits us as human beings because what I experienced is not a gender problem, it is not a problem that only concerns a small sector of the population, I believe it is a humanity problem.” , it is a problem that also attacks men and I believe that if I had to experience it, it is so that something good comes out of this, and that is what I am fighting for,” he says.

I have had the opportunity or it has happened to me due to life circumstances to be able to talk with fellow men who have experienced this and it also hurts them. Finally, comments from one side or another hurt and it’s like they say ‘how do you learn to overcome it?’. No, you don’t get over it, you learn to live with it and I feel that it violates the human being as such.Michelle Vieth

Her reflection goes further, because now as host for the program Tell me now! has also realized how misleading or easy it could be to fall into revictimizing victims.

“Although suddenly the comments may be one way or another, I think you have to be very careful because finally in 2023, when you talk about something like this, you have to be very careful, there is already a very thin line in terms of re-victimizing to the victims and as responsible media, to have that responsibility and that ethics where you are also very careful and do not spread a crime because the laws have already changed,” he points out.

“I hope I can achieve it for the well-being of everyone because in the end it is not pretty and it is not something that one overcomes, but rather it is something that you live day by day”dice Michelle.


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