Michelle Carvalho, shocking statements about her breakup: “This is the end point”

Written in ENTERTAINMENT the 2/9/2022 · 08:56 hs

Michelle Carvalho It has gone through moments of high complexity in recent years. Just a few days ago, the celebrity exposed, through her Instagram profile, that she and Ricardo Dalli, her partner for two years, had ended their bond in a way that was not peaceful.

In fact, Michelle Carvalho She was in charge of telling, in a multimedia that lasted half an hour, each one of the reasons and the situations that led her to this moment. These had to do, mainly, with the bad relationship she had with her in-laws, particularly with her ex-boyfriend’s mother and aunt.

According to what he confessed, these two people took it upon themselves to lie and manipulate Ricardo Dalli, with the aim of separating the couple. Messages to generate mistrust, misleading calls and even rumors about crimes that he would have committed the brazilian These were just some of the issues that he commented on.

Now, in addition, Carvalho He spoke with the AR13 medium, where he gave other details of the ordeal he had to go through. Apparently, it all started because her sister-in-law offended her and her ex-partner: “From that day on, my ex-mother-in-law began harassment. She turned me into her enemy for no reason.”he confessed.

In addition, she mentioned something that she had already reported on her live: the fact that she was accused of committing a crime against an ex to get all her money. “At that time I should have made a complaint, but I kept quiet,” she narrated, repentant. Now on top of this the famous catwalk he referred to another aggravating action that occurred at that time.

“My ex-sister-in-law makes up a story that her pet was very sick and had to go to the vet (where she worked). When we got there, on June 8, 2021, she saw me and went crazy, she started to insult me ​​sea “He started counting. Later, the former political relative of influence her he would have tried to get a dog to attack her and would have told him that he would make it “eat” his face.

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The complaint to the Carabineros was the first choice he made after what happened. The second was to end his relationship with Ricardo: “I was collapsed, and I said: ‘I can’t do this anymore.” That’s when last week I asked him to leave.” On the other hand, she criticized that his partner did not take any action on the matter:”That’s why I made the decision to make all this public, because I didn’t want to go back to the same thing, this is the end point“.

A) Yes, Michelle Carvalho confirmed that “the official term was last week”, when he asked his ex to leave the place they shared. “But it is a drama that has been taking place since February 2021,” she affirmed and let it be known with the terrible anecdotes that she told. It will be necessary to see if, with the passage of time, Dalli decides to speak or not.

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