Alex Reed on the show The story continues which examines the suspension, 30 years ago, of military service, Admiral Michael Hoffmanboss of Defense, was rather favorable to the reintroduction of military service.
Why was military service suspended in 1992?
For Michel Hofman, the abolition of military service in 1992 was linked to several factors: “The fall of the Berlin wall, the end of the cold war, the technological evolution which made training more complicated and long, the motivation within the company, finally the budgetary savings also played a role. The numerous exemptions from military service, pistons and others, have also led to a feeling of injustice among some young people.
Why we must think regarding its reintroduction.
Should compulsory military service be reintroduced when Russia is openly threatening the West? “We have to reflect given the situation. We can go back to the arguments that led to the suspension and ask ourselves if we might not reintroduce military service. Because there is a possible need to have to defend ourselves on the territory of the “NATO or the territory of Europe which might justify the need to recall people. It would make sense. Compulsory military service also makes it possible to create a link between the army and the nation and a membership around defence”.
Is it technically possible to reintroduce the service? “It would not be possible tomorrow, but in the next few years yes. We need budgets, equipment, men to train the conscripts”.