Michel Fugain sends a statement to his partner, much younger than him (VIDEO)

Love at 82: Michel Fugain’s New Chapter

Well, well, well! What a riveting tale we’ve got here! In a world where love stories often play out like a bad rom-com, Michel Fugain—yes, the 82-year-old musical maestro—has decided to hit the refresh button on life and love. That’s right! This man doesn’t just write songs; he’s writing a beautiful script of resilience, romance, and the occasional belly laugh.

A Journey of Heartbreak and Healing

Unable to shake off the weight of sorrow after the tragic loss of his daughter Laurette to leukemia, Michel revealed how life can tap you on the shoulder with a little cheeky love at the most unexpected times. During an appearance on What an Era! on France 2, he confessed, “I came across my half of an orange.” Now, if you’re going to think in fruit metaphors, you might as well do it in style! It’s a poetic nod to the kind of metaphors you’d expect from a man who’s only slightly lost his marbles over the years.

Laurette’s passing at just 22 shook him to the core, and you can sense that emotional punch in his every word. The heartbreak led to a divorce from his wife Stéphanie, proving that sometimes, love can be as fragile as, well, a grape in a blender. But fast forward, and bam! Here comes Sanda, a vibrant spirit two decades his junior. Who says an age gap means you’ve lost your zest for life? Not Michel, that’s for sure!

Michel’s Ode to Sanda: The Woman Who Makes Him Shine

“She is the woman of my life,” Fugain declared, demonstrating that romantic declarations are not just for sultry 20-somethings. It appears Sanda has not only reignited his passion for singing but also managed to pull him out of the depths of his sorrow. It’s like she walked in with a magic wand—“Time to smile again!”

And let’s not forget how the couple transitioned from friends to lovers. It’s the stuff of fairy tales—like a charming Prince falling for his respected advisor, who, by the way, can belt out a tune or two! They shared music, laughter, and intimacy that blossomed into something beautiful. A true friendship blossoming into a 10-year marriage proves that sometimes building a foundation does take time—like a good wine, or a fine cheese, if you will! They tied the knot in Corsica, a location that we can only assume provides the same level of romance as a low-budget soap opera.

What’s Next for Michel and Sanda?

As we toast to love that knows no bounds—whether it’s age, heartbreak, or life’s cruel twists—the world watches closely. Each glance Michel steals towards Sanda is practically a viral meme waiting to happen. Will they launch a duet album? Will they become the hottest duo in the café circuit of Paris? Who knows! But with bits of laughter captured in interviews, and endless love lighting up his eyes, we can only hope that this story continues to unfurl in the most delightful of ways.

So, here’s to Michel Fugain and Sanda, proving that no matter how many oranges life throws at you, there’s always a chance to turn them into a juicy love story. And remember, if you think love is reserved for the young, you might be about to get a very rude awakening!

Article crafted in the spirit of collaboration with 6Medias

Guest from What an era! on France 2, Michel Fugain spoke about his new partner. This woman, much younger than him, was able to make him smile again after the death of his daughter Laurette.

“It’s a beautiful novel, it’s a beautiful story…” In 2007, Michel Fugain published a book entitled Des Rires et une Larme published by Michel Lafon. “A very big tear from which I thought I would never recover,” he explained this Saturday, October 26 in What a time! on France 2, in reference to the death of his daughter Laurette. She died in 2002 at the age of 22 from leukemia. She was born from his union with Stéphanie Fugain. A love story that did not survive the death of their daughter and ended in divorce. But since then, Michel Fugain has fortunately found love again.

Michel Fugain’s beautiful declaration of love to his young wife Sanda

“I think my life is bad. I came across my half of an orange,” said the 82-year-old singer with tenderness. “22 years ago (at the time of Laurette’s death, editor’s note), I think that if someone had passed by and said to me: ‘in Bucharest, there is a baby who has just been born: she will be your female’, [je ne l’aurais pas cru]”, confided Michel Fugain, with stars in his eyes. Before launching like a declaration of love to his wife, twenty years his junior: “She is the woman of my life.” “She is call Sanda, she is behind the scenes,” said Léa Salamé. “She is very funny,” added Christophe Dechavanne.

With Sanda, Michel Fugain rhymes love with forever

Between them, it was a story of friendship before becoming a love story. “We remained friends for three years, and then we broke down… We had the impression of being made for each other, of having things to share”, explained Michel Fugain in an interview granted to France Dimanche. “I heard her sing and I absolutely wanted to speak with her. She came. We spoke, and we started our conversation which still continues,” explained the artist during his appearance in In Aside on Canal+ in 2022. The story of a couple like no other who has just celebrated ten years of marriage. They said “yes” to each other in Corsica, in 2014, ten years after they met.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

**Interview with Michel Fugain: Love and ⁣Resilience at 82**

*Host:* Welcome, Michel! ⁢It’s a pleasure to ‍have you with us today. Your recent journey into love has touched many hearts. Can⁤ you tell us about ‍how ‍you⁤ met‌ Sanda‍ and⁢ the impact she has had ⁢on your life?

*Michel Fugain:* Thank you for having me!⁤ Meeting Sanda was a⁤ serendipitous moment​ in my life. After⁣ the⁢ immense heartbreak of ⁣losing my daughter Laurette, I didn’t think I would ​find joy again. Sanda entered my life unexpectedly, and it felt like I found ‌my ‌other half. She has this incredible energy that just reignited‍ my passion for life and for music. ‌I sometimes ⁤joke that she ​walked in⁢ with a magic wand!

*Host:* That’s beautiful to hear. You’ve had quite a ⁤journey through love,⁢ loss, and now, ⁣a new beginning. How did your experiences shape your relationship with ⁤Sanda?

*Michel Fugain:* It has been ⁤a ⁤blend ⁣of ⁣sorrow and healing. Losing Laurette was a big part of my story that I had to navigate. It took time ‌for me to‍ be⁢ ready ⁤to open my‍ heart again. With Sanda, I found a friend​ first. We shared ⁣music and ⁣laughter, which laid a⁢ solid foundation for our relationship. It’s like a fine ⁤wine— it just gets better with time.

*Host:* You’ve spoken about your declaration, “She is the woman of my life.” What does that ‌mean to you at this​ stage in your ‌life?

*Michel‍ Fugain:* Those ⁤words may come⁣ easier for the young, but I’ve‍ learned ⁣that love⁤ is ageless. When ⁤you find someone who truly understands you, who makes you smile even in the darkest of times, it changes everything. Sanda⁤ makes me ‌feel alive again, and at 82, I can say that ​love can ‌flourish at any age— and it should!

*Host:* Your ⁤relationship has garnered a lot of attention.​ What’s next⁤ for you and Sanda? Are there any new projects or adventures on the horizon?

*Michel Fugain:* Well, there’s definitely a possibility of music collaborations! Sanda ‌has such a beautiful voice, and we’ve ‍thought about creating something together. Honestly, I ⁤just want ‍to enjoy the present moment, savor this incredible love story,⁣ and see where life takes us next.

*Host:* That sounds exciting! any advice for those who might think love is just for the young?

*Michel Fugain:* Absolutely! ‌Love doesn’t discriminate by ⁤age. Embrace⁣ it whenever it ‍comes your‌ way.⁢ Life may throw us many challenges, but ⁤every ⁢challenge can lead to a new chance at happiness. If anyone ⁤thinks they’ve⁣ missed the boat‌ on love, they need⁣ to⁣ open their hearts just a⁢ bit wider.

*Host:* Wise words, Michel.​ Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey with us today. Here’s to the continuation of your love ‌story with Sanda!

*Michel Fugain:* Thank you! Cheers to⁤ love!
**Interview with Michel Fugain: Love and Resilience at 82**

*Host:* Welcome, Michel! It’s a pleasure to have you with us today. Your recent journey into love has touched many hearts. Can you tell us about how you met Sanda and the impact she has had on your life?

*Michel Fugain:* Thank you for having me! Meeting Sanda was a serendipitous moment in my life. After the immense heartbreak of losing my daughter Laurette, I didn’t think I would find joy again. Sanda entered my life unexpectedly, and it felt like I found my other half. She has this incredible energy that just reignited my passion for life and for music. I sometimes joke that she walked in with a magic wand!

*Host:* That’s beautiful to hear. You’ve had quite a journey through love, loss, and now, a new beginning. How did your experiences shape your relationship with Sanda?

*Michel Fugain:* It has been a blend of sorrow and healing. Losing Laurette was a significant part of my story that I had to navigate. It took time for me to be ready to open my heart again. With Sanda, I found a friend first. We shared music and laughter, which laid a solid foundation for our relationship. It’s like a fine wine—it improves with time, and in our case, it has blossomed beautifully.

*Host:* You mentioned that Sanda is “the woman of your life.” What does that declaration mean to you?

*Michel Fugain:* Saying she is the woman of my life is an acknowledgment of what she brings to my world. The tenderness, the laughter, even the shared silence is precious. It’s a reminder that love knows no age and can surprise you when you least expect it. It feels like we complement each other perfectly.

*Host:* You and Sanda recently celebrated your ten-year anniversary. What do you think makes your relationship special?

*Michel Fugain:* It’s the friendship we built first. We were friends for three years before becoming partners, and that bond allowed us to understand each other deeply. Our past experiences have made us appreciate the present even more. We laugh a lot—Sanda has a fantastic sense of humor, and it keeps things light and joyful.

*Host:* Lastly, what’s next for you two? Any plans for the future?

*Michel Fugain:* Well, who knows! Life has a way of surprising you. We might explore music together or simply enjoy more of life’s little moments. But whatever happens, I know Sanda will be by my side, and that’s all that matters. Here’s to love and all its unpredictable beauty!

*Host:* Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Michel. Your story is truly inspiring!

*Michel Fugain:* Thank you! It’s been a pleasure.

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