Michel Barnier Steps Up: A Transformative Chapter for France Under His Leadership

The 73-year-old conservative politician has already led the ministries of environmental protection, agriculture and foreign affairs in France. In the European Commission headed by Romano Prodi, he held the position of Commissioner responsible for regional policy, and in the body headed by José Manuel Barroso, he was Internal Market Commissioner, and then he led the negotiations on the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU.

In France, as a result of early elections, the National Assembly has become divided into three parts, and none of the blocs has enough mandates to govern independently. The key question now is whether Barnier’s government will succeed in getting the planned reforms passed in the divided parliament.

The new prime minister faces a serious challenge, as the time allotted for the preparation of the country’s 2025 budget is coming to an end. If the other parties are not satisfied with the results, it can also lead to the submission of a motion of no confidence.

President Emmanuel Macron has consulted several potential prime ministerial candidates over the past few weeks, but none of them had enough support to form a stable government, the most important criterion for selection.

The French National Consolidation (RN), which became the largest party in the French parliament after early elections in July, already indicated on Thursday that under certain conditions they “will not immediately reject” Barnier’s appointment. Barnier, who has also held positions as an EU commissioner, is persistently pro-European and a career politician, but when running for the conservative candidacy for the 2021 presidential election, he gave a speech with a tougher tone, in which he emphasized that immigration in France had become uncontrollable – this view is also shared by National Compaction.

Macron called early parliamentary elections after his party lost to the National Compact in the June 9 European Parliament elections. As a result of the national vote on July 7, the National Assembly with 11 factions became three-part, and none of the blocs has enough mandates to govern. With reference to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the government of the resigned Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is still in office to manage current affairs.

**What challenges will Michel Barnier face as⁣ the ⁣new Prime ⁤Minister of ⁣France?**

Michel Barnier: A Seasoned Politician Takes ‌the​ Helm as French⁣ Prime Minister

In a significant development in French politics, Michel Barnier, ​a 73-year-old conservative politician, ⁣has been appointed‍ as the ⁢Prime Minister of France. This‌ appointment comes⁢ after a period of uncertainty following early elections in July, which resulted in a divided National Assembly with⁢ no single party ⁤holding‍ a majority.

A Wealth of Experience

Barnier brings a⁣ wealth⁣ of experience to the ⁣role, having held various ministerial positions in France, including those of environmental protection, agriculture, ‌and foreign affairs. He has⁢ also played a significant role in European⁣ politics, serving as Commissioner responsible for regional policy in the European ‌Commission headed by Romano Prodi, and later as Internal Market Commissioner under José Manuel Barroso [[3]]. Additionally, he led the negotiations on the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, ⁢showcasing his diplomatic prowess.

Challenges‍ Ahead

As Prime Minister, ⁤Barnier faces a daunting task of navigating a divided⁢ parliament, where no single party holds a majority. The key⁤ challenge will be ⁢to pass planned⁣ reforms, which will require cooperation from other​ parties. Furthermore, ⁤the time allotted ⁤for​ preparing the country’s 2025 budget is rapidly approaching, and failure to deliver ​a satisfactory ‍outcome could lead ‌to a motion of no confidence⁢ [[1]].

A Unifying Figure?

President Emmanuel Macron had consulted ⁤several potential prime ministerial candidates before settling on ⁤Barnier, who is known for his pro-European stance and⁣ career politician background. ⁢While Barnier’s‌ appointment may ⁢have surprised some,⁢ it is seen⁢ as ​a strategic move to​ bring stability to ‍the government. The⁤ French National Consolidation (RN), ⁤which has become the largest⁢ party in the French parliament, has indicated​ that they will not immediately‌ reject Barnier’s appointment, ⁢provided⁤ certain conditions​ are met [[1]].

Barnier’s ‍Twitter Profile Reveals⁢ His Patriotism and European Commitment

A look at Barnier’s Twitter profile reveals his patriotism and commitment to​ Europe, with his bio reading “Premier ministre‍ Patriote ‌& européen” (Prime‍ Minister, Patriot & European) [[2]]. ⁢This suggests that‍ he will continue to prioritize European cooperation ⁣and integration in his new‌ role.


Michel Barnier’s appointment as Prime Minister of France‍ marks a significant⁤ turning point‌ in the country’s political landscape. With his wealth of experience, pro-European stance, and commitment to patriotism, he is well-positioned‍ to navigate the challenges ahead. As ⁣he sets out to pass⁤ reforms and prepare the 2025​ budget, all ⁢eyes will be on Barnier to see if he can bring stability and unity to the divided National Assembly.

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Michel Barnier: A Seasoned Politician Takes the Helm as French Prime Minister

In a significant development in French politics, Michel Barnier, a 73-year-old conservative politician, has been appointed as the Prime Minister of France. This appointment comes after a period of uncertainty following early elections in July, which resulted in a divided National Assembly with no single party holding a majority.

A Wealth of Experience

Barnier brings a wealth of experience to the role, having held various ministerial positions in France, including those of environmental protection, agriculture, and foreign affairs. He has also played a significant role in European politics, serving as Commissioner responsible for regional policy in the European Commission headed by Romano Prodi, and later as Internal Market Commissioner under José Manuel Barroso [[3]]. Additionally, he led the negotiations on the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, showcasing his diplomatic prowess.

Challenges Ahead

As Prime Minister, Barnier faces a daunting task of navigating a divided parliament, where no single party holds a majority. The key challenge will be to pass planned reforms, which will require cooperation from other parties. Furthermore, the time allotted for preparing the country’s 2025 budget is rapidly approaching, and failure to deliver a satisfactory outcome could lead to a motion of no confidence [[1]].

A Unifying Figure?

President Emmanuel Macron had consulted several potential prime ministerial candidates before settling on Barnier, who is known for his pro-European stance and career politician background. While Barnier’s appointment may have surprised some, it is seen as a strategic move to bring stability to the government. The French National Consolidation (RN), which has become the largest party in the French parliament, has indicated that they will not immediately reject Barnier’s appointment, provided certain conditions are met [[1]].

Barnier’s Twitter Profile Reveals His Patriotism and European Commitment

A look at Barnier’s Twitter profile reveals his patriotism and commitment to Europe, with his bio reading “Premier ministre Patriote & européen” (Prime Minister, Patriot & European) [[2]]. This suggests that he will continue to prioritize European cooperation and integration in his new role.


Michel Barnier’s appointment as Prime Minister of France marks a significant turning point in French politics. With his wealth of experience and pro-European stance, he is well-positioned to navigate the challenges of a divided parliament and bring stability to the government. As he takes on this new role, it will be interesting to see how he addresses the key challenges ahead



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