Michalis Katrinis in ET: Olympiad in Ancient Olympia 2024-03-09 08:29:46

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A dentist by profession, he entered politics in 2007, always keeping a very close relationship with his place of origin, Ilia. At the same time he is a man who loves culture, he has plans for this area, connected to Ancient Olympia. Today in a different interview with “ET” Michalis Katrinis talks regarding all the things he is not asked in his political interviews:

Although you are a dentist, you are involved in politics. When did you realize that politics was a path for you?

My relationship with politics is neither topical nor superficial. From a young age, but also from my student years, I have been interested in the commons, in what is happening in the country and in my hometown. My candidacy on the PASOK ballot in Ilia Prefecture came as a natural progression. I am in Parliament at the behest of the citizens of Ilia.

What is the relationship with your place and its people?

Ilia is my place, there are my childhood memories, my friends, the people who embraced me, supported me and trusted me from the first moment. There is an intense, experiential relationship. I am constantly present and not only as a physical presence in my place and in constant communication with my fellow citizens.

In Ancient Olympia, where you come from, the Festival of Expatriate Hellenism takes place every year, where you are “present” by attending the events organized there by Yiannis Tzouanopoulos. What is your relationship with culture?

Culture is not only a great comparative advantage for Ilia but also for Greece. I grieve because we do not take advantage of this great advantage, both internally and externally. For example, modern Greek culture and more is unknown to many young people, it is not taught properly in schools. And as a second example I can mention the non-existent connection between culture and tourism in our country, which is linked to its global identity.

Do you have a plan to stimulate the culture of your place or would you like to deal with Culture in general?

I have submitted specific proposals for highlighting Ancient Olympia for what it really is and through the utilization of the Olympic heritage. The image that the world has of Ancient Olympia today refers to the archaeological site, but we should make Ancient Olympia a living and dynamic organization. Ideas exist, such as the creation of a virtual reality digital museum, exclusively dedicated to the Olympic Games of antiquity, the construction of a modern stadium for athletics competitions in the wider area of ​​Olympia, which will host world meetings but will also be the home of Greek athletics. It should also be organized in Ancient Olympia, in every Olympic year, a parallel Olympiad of Culture that will become an institution for the region.

You were for a time the president of OKANA. Do you have sensitivities for groups of people who need social welfare?

What I sought to do in OKANA is to decriminalize a public discussion that was being held in the wrong terms for users. Let’s all realize that the user is a patient and not an abuser. Awareness, early information and prevention, treatment, de-addiction and social reintegration constitute a holistic approach to dealing with the problem of addictions.

What is your relationship with the arts? Your favorite creators?

There are the classic directors who wrote history in the seventh art and are timeless. But I don’t like being stuck in the past. I think Lanthimos offers something fresh to artistic creation and cinema. Even if the time is not favorable, I believe that in every form of art there are people who will be able to renew it, bring new elements.

You have two sons with your wife Ioanna Adamou. What role does your family play in your life?

I believe it is probably my greatest achievement, without being selfish. My family is a point of reference, it is the harbor I look for at the end of each day. This family relies on my wife, since I, due to my obligations, am away from home for many hours. My wife has managed to keep the balance, keep us all together and above all happy.

What relaxes you?

A game of chess with my kids.

Do you miss what you studied, dentistry?

I am not a professional politician. Before I was elected MP I was working and when I leave politics I will return to my work. I am a dentist, this will follow me forever. This is my job.

The position of the parliamentary representative of the party is a very important position, extremely prominent. How does it relate to your obligations and ambitions?

The position of parliamentary representative is associated with many obligations and entails great responsibilities. You must always have the competence and the way to position yourself and submit proposals for institutional issues as well as for current affairs. It requires study, seriousness, documentation and structured operation.

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