Michał Tusk’s promotion. The prime minister’s son has a new position

Michał Tusk’s promotion. The prime minister’s son has a new position

Eugeniusz Manikowski stopped being the deputy director of the infrastructure department for transport following he began acting as the president of the SKM Trójmiasto company. “His place was taken by Jakub Cichosz, and the department was expanded to include new positions of deputy directors. There are currently four of them in total. One of them is Michał Tusk, the son of Prime Minister Donald Tusk,” we read.

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See also: Michał Tusk: My father and I knew that OLT Express was a dud

Michał Tusk’s promotion in the office

The Marshal’s Office explains that the Infrastructure Department “is consistently developing its structures dedicated to public transport”, which is related to a number of investment and organizational plans.

– For this purpose, in 2023, the Department of Transport Systems Development was established, initially reporting to the department director – Michał Piotrowski, spokesman for the marshal, told the website.

– In order to organize the structure and give the issues of public transport development appropriate importance, in February this year the position of deputy director for transport development and integration was created, supervising, among others, the above-mentioned department – he added.

Michał Tusk. Who is he?

In the past, Michał Tusk was associated with “Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto”, where he wrote mainly regarding communication topics. In the years 2021-2024, Michał Tusk worked at ZTM Gdańsk.

When Michał Tusk took office in April, the office explained that his employment had no political dimension. – Mr. Michał Tusk meets the above requirements, having a master’s degree and 20 years of experience professional, among others, related to public transport. In view of the above, I do not see room for any comment in the political context of employing this particular employee – emphasized Michał Piotrowski in response to questions from money.pl.

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