Mianyang, Sichuan launched 20 artificial rain-enhancing bombs, the local drought has eased

Original title: Sichuan Mianyang launched 20 artificial rain bombs, the local drought has eased

Cover reporter Zhou Hongpan

On August 17, the cover news reporter learned from the Mianyang Meteorological Bureau that on the afternoon of August 16, a rainfall cloud system appeared in Mianyang, and the Mianyang Meteorological Bureau immediately implemented artificial rain enhancement operations. From the afternoon of August 16 to the early morning of August 17, 20 artificial precipitation rockets were launched successively in Zitong, Santai, Yanting and other places, and the maximum rainfall in the operation area reached 58.8 mm. The increased rainfall has alleviated the current drought in Mianyang, and also effectively reduced the forest fire danger level.

According to statistics, on August 15 alone, there were 157 stations in the city’s townships and regions where the temperature exceeded 40°C, of ​​which Santai Zihe occupied the highest position in Mianyang, reaching 45.6°C.

“The long-term drought has a great impact on the local agricultural production in Mianyang.” A staff member of the Mianyang Meteorological Bureau said that the bureau closely monitors the weather and prepares for artificial rainfall. On the afternoon of August 16, a rain cloud system appeared in some areas of Zitong, Mianyang. From the night of August 16 to the early morning of August 17, Mianyang City Shadow Center and Santai and Yanting shadow departments successively carried out artificial rain enhancement operations. By 2:00 a.m. on August 17, artificial rain enhancement rockets were launched all over the city. 20 pieces.

With the implementation of artificial rain enhancement operations, the area covered by the operation area has experienced significant rainfall. By 8:00 a.m. on August 17, within the scope of the operation, the rainfall in Zitong Yanwu was 58.8 mm, the rainfall in Hongren was 30.6 mm, the rainfall in Guandi in Fucheng was 38.3 mm, the rainfall in Torch III of the High-tech Zone was 8.8 mm to 1 mm, and the rainfall in Youxian Xiaoli was 21.8 mm. The rainfall was 17.2 mm in Zhongxing, 13.6 mm in Yanting Lianhua Lake, 4.6 mm in front of Qibolong, 8.2 mm in Santaita Mountain, and 7.2 mm in Zhongtai.

From the afternoon of August 16th to the morning of August 17th, Pingwu, Jiangyou, Beichuan, and Anzhou also generally experienced light to moderate rain, and some sites experienced heavy rain. The precipitation is very timely to alleviate the current drought in Mianyang City, and it also effectively reduces the forest fire danger level and urban ozone pollution.Return to Sohu, see more


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