Miami Celebrates Our Lady of Charity: A Festive Tribute to Cuba’s Cherished Patron Saint

This year, the celebrations for Cuba‘s Patron Saint, the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, in the Hermitage of Miami, a city that welcomes hundreds of thousands of Cubans, will be different. We tell you about the changes and the activities for this September 8.

This weekend, the community of faithful in Miami prepared to pay homage to the Virgin of Charity, Patroness of Cuba, with a series of celebrations that will culminate today in a great religious festival at the well-known Hermitage of this Florida city.

The celebrations, which have been taking place for several days, will reach their climax today, Sunday, September 8, at the National Shrine of the Hermitage of Charity, an event that will bring together thousands of devotees of the Patron Saint of Cuba.

On Sunday, September 8, the Great Festival in honor of the Virgin of Charity will be held at the Hermitage, located at 3609 S Miami Ave. From 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, the faithful will be able to pay tribute to the “Queen and Mother of all the Cuban people” in a day of devotion that will bring together thousands of believers.

Every year, September 8 is a key date for the Cuban faith, when devotees unite to ask for health, prosperity, and family unity, since many Cubans in Miami find in the Virgin Mambisa a symbol of hope and resistance.

Celebration in Miami for the Patron Saint of Cuba, the Virgin of Charity of Cobre

This weekend promises to be a time of deep devotion and celebration for the Cuban community in Miami, reaffirming their faith and hope in the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre. There will be a big party in Miami today to celebrate the Patron Saint of Cuba.

Sunday, September 8. 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. National Shrine of the Hermitage, 3609 S Miami Ave, Miami, FL.

The Virgin of Charity of El Cobre is one of the highest emblems of the Cuban nation and culture. Her image transcends the religious dimension and is, almost like the flag, one of the most distinctive and faithful symbols of Cubans, no matter where in the world they are.

This September 8th is a day of celebration for all Cubans wherever they are.

#Miami #celebrates #Cubas #Patron #Saint #Lady #Charity

Virgin of Cobre meaning

The ‍Virgin of Charity: A Unifying Force for​ Cubans in Miami and ⁣Beyond

The Virgin of Charity, also​ known ⁣as the Virgin ‍of Cobre, is ‌a revered figure ⁢in ⁤Cuban culture⁣ and a powerful ​symbol of hope, resistance, and⁤ unity.⁤ As the Patron Saint of⁢ Cuba, she is celebrated by Cubans ​around the world, including those ​living in Miami, a city that ​has ‍become ⁢a hub for the⁤ Cuban‌ diaspora.

A ⁤Unifying ‌Force

The Virgin ⁣of⁣ Charity is not only a sacred ‍figure in Catholicism ‌but also an important symbol ‍in Afro-Cuban Santeria traditions [[2]]. This unique convergence of ​faiths has made her a unifying force⁤ for ⁣Cubans across⁢ different religious‍ and cultural backgrounds. As ⁢a ⁢result, ‌her celebrations bring together people from all walks of ‍life, reinforcing the sense ⁤of​ community and identity that defines the ​Cuban people.

Celebrations in Miami

In Miami, the Virgin⁤ of‍ Charity is celebrated with great fervor, particularly ‍at the National Shrine of the Hermitage of ⁢Charity [[3]]. ⁣Every year, ‌on September 8, thousands of devotees gather at the Hermitage to pay ⁣homage to the Virgin, asking for health, prosperity, ⁣and family‍ unity. The celebrations, which include a grand festival, are a‍ testament to the enduring⁢ importance‍ of the Virgin of⁤ Charity in Cuban culture.

La ⁢Ermita de la Caridad

La Ermita de la Caridad, ​a historic shrine⁣ in Miami, is a sacred site for Cuban Catholics and a ‍key location for the⁢ celebration of the Virgin of Charity. The shrine has become​ a ⁢symbol of Cuban identity and a beacon of hope for those seeking solace and guidance. In⁢ fact, the Virgin of Charity is‌ often referred to as the “Queen and Mother of ​all ‍the Cuban people” [[1]].

Hope‍ and Resistance

For many Cubans, the Virgin of Charity ⁢represents ⁤a symbol‍ of hope and​ resistance ⁤in the face‌ of adversity. Her image ⁤is often invoked during times‍ of crisis, and her celebrations are a​ way for ⁢the Cuban‍ community‌ to ​come together⁣ and find strength in their shared heritage. As a ‌result, ‍the Virgin of Charity has become an ⁤integral part of Cuban identity, both‌ in Cuba and in ‌the diaspora.


The Virgin of Charity is ‌a ​powerful symbol of Cuban culture and ⁢identity, unifying Cubans across different faiths and backgrounds. Her celebrations in Miami, particularly at the‌ Hermitage of Charity, are a ⁢testament ⁢to the enduring importance ⁤of this beloved figure. As Cubans​ around‌ the world ‌come together to honor the Virgin of Charity, they reaffirm⁤ their‍ faith, hope, and resilience, inspiring a new⁢ generation of Cubans to‍ carry on the traditions of their ancestors.

Optimized keywords:⁣ Virgin of Charity, Cuba, Miami, Cuban ​culture,‌ Catholicism, Santeria, La​ Ermita de la Caridad, Cuban identity, ‌hope, resistance.

Virgin of Cobre meaning

The Virgin of Charity: A Unifying Force for Cubans in Miami and Beyond

The Virgin of Charity, also known as the Virgin of Cobre, is a revered figure in Cuban culture and a powerful symbol of hope, resistance, and unity. As the Patron Saint of Cuba, she is celebrated by Cubans around the world, including those living in Miami, a city that has become a hub for the Cuban diaspora.

A Unifying Force

The Virgin of Charity is not only a sacred figure in Catholicism but also an important symbol in Afro-Cuban Santeria traditions [[2]]. This unique convergence of faiths has made her a unifying force for Cubans across different religious and cultural backgrounds. As a result, her celebrations bring together people from all walks of life, reinforcing the sense of community and identity that defines the Cuban people.

Celebrations in Miami

In Miami, the Virgin of Charity is celebrated with great fervor, particularly at the National Shrine of the Hermitage of Charity [[3]]. Every year, on September 8, thousands of devotees gather at the Hermitage to pay homage to the Virgin, asking for health, prosperity, and family unity. The celebrations, which include a grand festival, are a testament to the enduring importance of the Virgin of Charity in Cuban culture.

La Ermita de la Caridad

La Ermita de la Caridad, a historic shrine in Miami, is a sacred site for Cuban Catholics and a key location for the celebration of the Virgin of Charity. The shrine has become a symbol of Cuban identity and a beacon of hope for those seeking solace and guidance. In fact, the Virgin of Charity is often referred to as the “Queen and Mother of all the Cuban people” [[1]].

Hope and Resistance

For many Cubans, the Virgin of Charity represents a symbol of hope and resistance in the face of adversity. Her image is often invoked during times of crisis, and her celebrations are a way for the Cuban community to come together and find strength in their shared heritage. As a result, the Virgin of Charity has become an integral part of Cuban identity, both in Cuba and in the diaspora.


The Virgin of Charity is a powerful symbol of Cuban culture and identity, transcending religious and cultural boundaries. Her celebrations in Miami and around the world serve as a reminder of the importance of community, hope, and resistance in the face of adversity.



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