Mexico-Cuernavaca highway is blocked by residents in the middle of the bridge – The Sun Post

on the bridgea group of inhabitants of Fierro del Toroin Morelos, blocked the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway for more than five hours at kilometer 49, at the height of Tres Marías.

The Government of Morelos confirmed that the highway is free and reported that they will continue the dialogue with the Huitzilac community to clarify the disappearance of three young people.

For more than five hours this highway was blocked, which caused traffic to even reach Tlalpan, in Mexico City. Circulation was reopened minutes after 11 p.m. and it will take more hours for circulation to normalize.

The blockade began around 6:00 p.m., which caused long lines of vehicles by residents of the capital seeking to vacation this long weekend, who expressed their annoyance and desperation on social networks. After 9 p.m. intermittent passage was allowed every 10 minutes.

According to Capufe, around 5.6 million Mexicans are expected to pass through the entire network in the next four days, which is why he implemented additional security measures, such as the installation of 26 pre-hospital medical units.

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Why was the highway closed?

Residents of Fierro del Toro, in the municipality of Huitzilac, blocked the highway with stones and tires because they denounced the alleged kidnapping of three men by the inhabitants of Topilejo.

They warn that they will not lift the blockade until the three youths appear alive and, so far, no authority from the state of Morelos has appeared in the area to talk with the residents.

In the area of ​​the blockade, one of the protesters, Mrs. Erika Guzmán, denounced that on Thursday elements of the National Guard and community members of Topilejo took three young people, including her son, accused of allegedly cutting down trees, with abuse of authority.

He added that to this day no one had wanted to give them information on the whereabouts of the young people, which is why they made the decision to block the federal highway.

“We demand that they return the boys. Yesterday they took them, they entered the house where they were; the National Guard and community members from Topilejo entered the house shooting (sic) and they took my son and two other boys,” said the lady. Erika Guzman.

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