Mexicana produces plastic with orange peel that biodegrades in 90 days

2023-05-03 15:37:09

This woman has created a strategy to fight the damage that plastics do, and has started a company with a mission to change this reality.

Mexicana produces plastic with orange peel that biodegrades in 90 days

Last update : May 03, 2023

Plastic is one of the most used materials in our environments. The reason for this is that it is cheap, tough, easy to handle and easy to load for growers and buyers.

However, despite its wide uses, it poses a great danger to the planet. This, because it is one of the products that pollute the environment the most; it can take up to 1000 years to decompose.

For this reason, during all this time, endless carbon dioxide emissions are generated and affect the air quality. In addition, these same toxic wastes contaminate the soil and the environments in which they are deposited.

Plastic has thus become one of the resources that most affects water quality. The substances that dissolve in it completely change the natural conditions.

On top of that, when plastic items aren’t thrown away, they end up clogging the ducts. Thus, in addition to causing floods, they generate a large amount of waste that contaminates the environment.

On the other hand, one of the big problems with plastic is that it settles in water sources. Being composed of toxic elements, it can cause the death of animals.

In addition, it can also cause drowning in aquatic animals. These can become trapped and will be unable to breathe properly.

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A project to change this reality

Faced with this disturbing problem, a Mexican woman named Giselle Mendoza decided to create a strategy that would reduce the environmental impact. She participated in Global Student Entrepreneur Awardsa competition for entrepreneurs.

The fact that his country is one of the places that consumes the most plastic is what motivated him to think regarding a solution. In her analysis process, Giselle discovered that orange peels can be used to produce biodegradable plastics. Components of these plastics can decompose in 90 days and return to the earth in a natural way.

In addition, this project solves another relevant problem. It has been found that the vast majority of industries that work with oranges throw them away long before they rot, thus filling the bins unnecessarily.

By being used in the production of plastic, they are reused and help avoid the generation of high levels of CO2 while giving a break to landfills.

For all these reasons, Giselle Mendoza’s initiative won first place in the competition. The woman received the final push she needed to put her strategy into practice.

The production of biodegradable plastic

Currently, Giselle owns a company called GECO Technologies, which is dedicated to the implementation of this type of bioplastics. This company collects all the raw material that industries dedicated to oranges decide not to use.

Clearly, this step is just the beginning. The founder’s big dream is to be able to build a factory in which exuberant quantities of plastics made from orange peel will be produced.

Similarly, he revealed to the media that his company was studying other alternatives. Indeed, they also have in mind the possibility of building many other types of biodegradable plastics.

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Otherwise, how do you deal with the problem?

Everyone can help stop this type of pollution with a few daily actions. The first step in doing this is to stop using single-use plastics, as they fill landfills very quickly and produce a large amount of gas.

Another important decision is to recycle. The plastic can thus be reused a large number of times, which will prevent it from clumping together in a harmful way in the environment.

Finally, it is essential to avoid the use of traditional plastics as much as possible. For this, it is important that citizens understand that materials such as glass can perform the same functions, while being more environmentally friendly.

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All cited sources have been thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliography for this article has been considered academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.

  • Benavides H. León G. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ON GREENHOUSE GASES AND CLIMATE CHANGE [Internet]. Colombia: IDEAM; 2007. [citado 03 de enero de 2022].

#Mexicana #produces #plastic #orange #peel #biodegrades #days



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