Mexican Tremors: Latest News and Reports on Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity in Mexico

2023-06-04 03:10:08

At what time and where was the last tremor in Mexico? Today, June 3, we present you the official report of the National Seismological Service (SSN) on the latest tremors in Mexico, as well as every detail regarding the epicenter, magnitude, latitude and longitude of each telluric movement registered on the date.

Why is Mexico shaking? Seismic and volcanic activity are distinctive characteristics of Mexico. Located in the Ring of Fire, the country is witness to a large number of telluric movements worldwide due to Plate Tectonics.

Although the interaction between tectonic plates is the main cause of earthquakes, it is not the only one. Any process that accumulates large amounts of energy in rocks can trigger telluric movements, the magnitude of which will depend on several factors, including the extent of the stress concentration zone.

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