Mexican Church asks Claudia Sheinbaum for reconciliation

A few weeks after the president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaumassume power, the Mexican Catholic Church On Sunday, he called on the future president to build reconciliation to overcome conflicts that create division in the country and achieve social peace.

Mexico is currently undergoing a transition process between the outgoing government of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorwhich ends on September 30, and the incoming one, led by Sheinbaum, who will be sworn in to the highest public office in Mexico’s government on October 1.

“We call on our president-elect, her working group, and all elected politicians who will soon take office, to promote during this transition period the path to build a reconciliation with solid foundations,” said the Archdiocese of Mexicoin his editorial in the weekly From the faith published this Sunday.

“May it help us overcome the conflicts that divide us, strengthen national unity and open the doors to dialogue and mutual listening. We are convinced that this way we will be able to achieve social peace,” he added.

Church asks Sheinbaum for reconciliation

The Catholic body pointed out that “when we speak of reconciliation we are not referring to a fragile peace, much less to an imposed embrace or a compromise that only seeks to keep groups that think differently happy” (because) a reconciliation “that has these individualistic bases and partial interests runs the risk of breaking down quickly.”

He also said that the path to reconciliation “does not mean deciding for the other, nor pigeonholing everyone into pre-established schemes; it is not a fight between good and evil or a clash of ideologies. It means learning to walk together.”

The Archdiocese of Mexico insisted: “When we speak of reconciliation, we are referring to reconciling ourselves with the events that have hurt us, that have caused suffering, with wounded memories and the injustices suffered.”

“We talk about getting together to renew ourselves and grow together. To meet in that place where we stop thinking selfishly and individually to recognize ourselves as brothers by looking into each other’s eyes, embracing our stories and differences,” he added.

Following its victory in the June 2 elections, the Mexican Catholic Church shared a list of ten proposals for the next president of Mexico, which it said will serve as important approaches for the first decisions of her government.

Claudia Sheinbaum signs a commitment to peace

On the other hand, at the beginning of March, Sheinbaum signed the Commitment to Peacedriven by the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM), although he showed differences regarding some controversial aspects and did not share the Church’s “pessimistic” evaluation of the current moment in Mexico.

“I also do not agree with the view that fear, helplessness, distrust and uncertainty prevail,” added Sheinbaum, rejecting claims that Mexico’s security strategies are “insufficient.”

#Mexican #Church #asks #Claudia #Sheinbaum #reconciliation
2024-08-24 10:18:06



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