Mexican Billionaire Salinas Pliego Sounds Alarm on ‘Coup d’état’ Amid Morena’s Rising Power

Mexican Billionaire Salinas Pliego Sounds Alarm on ‘Coup d’état’ Amid Morena’s Rising Power

The businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego He accused a “coup d’état” after the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) validated the qualified majority of Morena and allied parties in the Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of the Union.

The president of Salinas Group He posted on his social media that the first illegal act was “allowing the overrepresentation of Morena by assigning it 75% of Congress with only 54% of the votes obtained.”

He added that now comes the second illegal act, which will be to end the independence of the Judiciary when President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s reform is approved.

“Second Illegal Act (It’s coming): End the independence of the Judiciary and leave it in the hands of Morena,” Salinas Pliego posted.

The third and final illegal act, according to the millionaire, will be “leaving citizens subject to the will of Morena and henchmen, that is, the ‘Tyranny of the Majority’.”

Salinas Pliego accuses Morena of a “coup d’état”

All of the above, Salinas Pliego said, is a “coup d’état.”

“This, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing less than the definition of a coup d’état“A sudden and decisive change of government, carried out illegally… or by force,” he posted on his social media.

READ: PVEM gives 15 elected deputies to Morena to have the coordination of Jucopo

And it is that on the night of Wednesday, August 28, The Electoral Court validated the allocation of plurinominal deputies carried out by the National Electoral Institute (INE), which gives Morena and allied parties a qualified majority in the Lower House.

With 4 votes to 1, the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation confirmed that the party in power together with the PT and the Green Party will have 364 seats in the next Legislature.

TO UNDERSTAND BETTER: PRD Senators “grasshoppers” with Morena: this is how they campaigned against that party

The president of the Court, Monica Soto Fregoso, and the judges Felipe de la Mata, Felipe Alfredo Fuentes and Reyes Rodriguez Mondragon voted in favor, while the judge Janine M. Otálora was the only one who voted against.

Ricardo Salinas Pliego is the third richest person in the country, according to the list of Forbes Mexico 2024.

#Salinas #Pliego #accuses #Morena #coup #détat
2024-09-05 07:38:07



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