Meteorite fall in Salt Lake City, United States, caused panic in citizens

In the morning hours of Saturday, a loud rumble shook northern Utah, USAcausing panic among its inhabitants who at first believed that it was an earthquake.

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The citizens of Salt Lake City, where the loud and deafening noise was heard, also believed that it could be military planes that broke the sound barrier. Nevertheless, both theories were discarded.

Shortly after, several videos of security cameras began to go viral on networks in which, in addition to capturing the strange noise, they also recorded the meteor falling from the sky.

Given this, the governor of Utah, Spencer Cox, completely dismissed the rumors about seismic activity or military training. “We have confirmed that it was not an earthquake or earthquake and that it is not related to our military installations. This is probably the best theory,” referring to the meteorite.

Then the Salt Lake City National Weather Service office wrote online that his lightning detection mapper found a flash of a body fragment from outer space.

This is not the first time a meteorite has caused brief panic or confusion recently. In January, a space fragment exploded over Pittsburgh and created a similar noise. Last year there was also a bang that shook homes in New Hampshire, and they also thought it was an earthquake.

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