A shower of shooting stars called the Quadrantids is noticeable in our sky this morning. This astronomical event has been taking place since December 28 and is expected to last until January 12. Its climax was scheduled for tonight.
Nearly 120 stars per hour will pass through the sky and can be observed. A phenomenon more intense than usual. The average is around ten stars per hour for events of this kind.
“This phenomenon is due to the arrival in our atmosphere of small pebbles which are consumed and that is why we see a trace in the sky”explains Yaël Naze, astrophysicist and qualified researcher at the FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique).
The best time to observe these shooting stars is at 7 am. But it all depends on the weather.
“To observe it, you need a clear skycontinues the specialist. It may be difficult this year, and then you have to be far from lights, far from lampposts. There is still one that is difficult to avoid, it is the moon, which is almost full.
The phenomenon takes place every year, and several meteor showers occur each year, so don’t panic if you can’t see the stars, you can always try once more next time.