Meteor is seen crossing the New York sky and forms a light show

Residents of New York State, in the United States, were able to witness an unusual spectacle when a meteor crossed the night sky this Sunday (28). The phenomenon was seen by at least 120 people, including residents of other US states and even Canada.

In the town of Palmyra, New York, one of these people managed to film the event with the camera on the dashboard of his car. The video, which shows the meteor appearing in the sky and glowing for a brief moment before disappearing, can be seen below:

According American Meteor Society (AMS), the object that crossed the sky was a “fireball”, which consists of a meteor whose luminosity exceeds a magnitude of -4. For comparison purposes, this is the same luminosity as the planet Venus presents in the sky at dusk and dawn. The Moon, for example, has a magnitude of -12.6.

meteor reports

Although the event was brief – reports say it lasted between 1.5 and 3.5 seconds – witnesses say they were amazed at the To display. A Pennsylvania couple say they were walking their dog at night when suddenly everything around them became clear.

“We were walking in the dark, when all of a sudden the empty fields around us became bright as if it were a full moon night,” the couple said. “Then we looked up and saw, for a few seconds, a beautiful green streaked meteor in the sky. »

Another Pennsylvania resident said, “It was an incredible sight to see. [O meteoro] appeared out of nowhere in the sky, stayed there for a second or two, and vanished almost instantly with a bluish glow.

Most witnesses denied hearing any sounds associated with the phenomenon, with the exception of a few people, such as a New Jersey resident, who reported hearing something like “a boom far, far away” at the exact moment he saw the fireball.

Although they arouse admiration each time they appear, sightings of meteors are far from rare events. Thousands of these space rocks cross our skies every day, though mostly in wild areas and during the day when they are not visible.

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