Metallica’s Epic Return: A Night of Metal at the Olympic Stadium

2023-08-12 02:47:43

More than just one concert, an event dedicated to metal was held at the Olympic Stadium when Metallica returned to town.

Such a condensed amount of metal in a few hours, it cleans the ears and it remains the best stress relief there is! My eardrums will have to forgive me.

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

If Metallica has returned to Montreal a few times since the infamous evening of August 8, 1992, this is the first time it has returned to the scene of the famous Olympic Stadium riot 31 years ago.

With more than 55,000 metalheads crammed into a place that is no longer used to hosting performances of the genre, it might have degenerated… once once more. But no ! On the contrary. The fans were treated to a performance offered in the rules of the art.

Metallica rip it all off

From the outset, Metallica paid special attention to Quebec fans by deploying a video presentation showing archive footage of the band visiting us over the years.

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

It wasn’t long since Metallica was throwing us classics like Harvester of Sorrow at full volume. And each of the YEAAAH! by James Hetfield exulted the happiness of being there.

This was followed by a clever mix of more recent titles, in particular those taken from their latest opus 72 Seasonsand finished fan classics like Nothing Else Matter (strongly supported by the crowd and the lights of telephones) or Sad But True.

Same observation for the speed of execution. The guys alternate between their more aggressive tempos and their almost ballads with longer intros. Question of keeping the crowd awake no doubt. Proving that there was still plenty of energy left in the spectators who had waited for hours.

Despite the explosion of decibel heard this evening, the canvas of the Stadium held up.

Let’s bet that Metallica will not wait 31 years before playing once more in the Olympic Stadium.

Mammoth breaks the ice

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

Earlier, the metalheads were treated to two thunderous performances.

Little feat, the Mammoth WVH group started on time! It’s rare and even more so in metal.

With none other than the son of Eddie Van Halen as singer-guitarist, Mammoth showed up without any fuss in staging and cheered up the audience still scattered on the floor.

Not a bad feat for a quartet giving more into the grunge of the early 90s than into pure and hard metal. their song Stone sounds to be mistaken for the Soundgarden. Both on record and on stage.

Panther dirt

Photo Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard

Subsequently, the Pantera group took over. Just following a short video highlighting the memory of guitarist Dimebag Darrell who died in 2004, we were treated to the triumphant arrival of singer Phil Anselmo.

The current Pantera guitarist has risen to the challenge of brilliantly replacing his legendary predecessor. During Walk, it was delirium. Despite the fact that the conciseness of the piece suffered from the legendary reverberation of the Stadium. A concise set where we didn’t have a second to catch our breath.

When Pantera sang This love, one would have thought that many in the crowd paid top dollar to come and see them, specifically. Many of the audience in their forties were screaming the chorus, slapping their chests.

The 55,000 fans followed the performances of the kings of metal with happiness. Few of them would have questioned the relevance of presenting such an event within the Olympic Stadium.

#Metallica #Madness #Hits #Montreal #Heres #Thought #Kings #Metal #Show #Olympic #Stadium



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