Metabolic syndrome: diagnosis, associated risks, treatment

2022-05-20 18:00:00

Metabolic syndrome, also called “syndrome X”, or “belly syndrome”, is much more than an aesthetic consideration. Too large a waist circumference, which is accompanied by abnormalities in blood sugar and lipid levels or high blood pressure, increases the risk of developing various pathologies. Update with Prof. Boris Hansel, diabetologist and nutritionist, member of the “diabetology, endocrinology and nutrition” department at Bichat – Claude-Bernard Hospital (Paris) and co-founder of the university YouTube channel PuMS* (For better health).

Definition: what is the metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is not considered a disease. “ It is an intolerance to visceral fat (excess fat inside the belly), which can, in some people, trigger a number of metabolic disorders, likely to evolve into more or less serious pathologies”, explains the specialist. According to Inserm (National Institute of Health), “adipose tissue is far from being an inert fatty mass: it participates in the regulation of metabolism and impacts our health by secreting different substances that allow it to communicate with our other organs. : liver, muscles, heart, vessels… Under the influence of genetic and environmental factors, this functioning would be altered” (source 1).

What symptoms should alert?

The metabolic syndrome is often asymptomatic: it does not cause specific symptoms. And if so, it has already progressed to a more serious health problem, such as type 2 diabetes or a vascular disorder. Only a blood test, measurement of waist circumference and measurement of blood pressure can make a formal diagnosis.

“Patients often present with abdominal overload, but this is not necessarily the first warning sign. You can have metabolic syndrome without being overweightand conversely, you can be significantly overweight and be in very good health,” remarks Professor Hansel.

“Belly syndrome”: how to diagnose it?

The diagnostic criteria that characterize the metabolic syndrome are:

  • aabdominal obesity (a waist circumference greater than 94 cm in men and 80 cm in women);
  • too much sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia) ;
  • excess triglycerides in the blood (hypertriglyceridemia) ;
  • a high blood pressure
  • and or low levels of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).

It is enough for the doctor to detect the presence of at least three of these abnormalities for a metabolic syndrome to be diagnosed, specifies the diabetologist.

Who are the people at risk?

People most at risk of developing metabolic syndrome are:

  • people with a family history of type 2 diabetes;
  • women who have had gestational diabetes (pregnancy diabetes);
  • people of Hispanic, African American, Native American, or Asian descent.

Note: this “belly” syndrome affects both men and women. “We simply observe a shift according to age. Women are ‘protected’ by their hormonal cycles until menopause. The incidence is joined in men and women over 50 years.

What are the risks of metabolic syndrome?

If in doubt, the metabolic syndrome must be detected and taken seriously, it can lead to serious consequences:

Good to know: abdominal fat is one of the main causes that makes the body becomes less sensitive to insulin, the hormone that allows cells to use sugar (glucose). This reduced sensitivity is responsible for an excess of sugar and lipids in the blood. Hence the increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Metabolic syndrome also generally increases the risk of cancer, insists Professor Hansel.

What is called “cardiometabolic risk”?

The cardiometabolic risk is the more or less long-term risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, etc.) and/or diabetes. It is all the higher if one is affected by several constituent abnormalities of the metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome: what are the causes?

Genetic predispositions partly explain the occurrence of this syndrome, but the vast majority of cases are rather related to a sedentary lifestyle and to a calorie-rich, nutrient-poor diet.

Which doctor to consult?

« Metabolic syndrome is a warning sign. It can be detected and managed by any doctor and does not necessarily justify seeing a specialist. A general practitioner can identify anomalies, put in place a preventive strategy and possibly refer the patient to specialists, doctors or paramedics, depending on the impact of the syndrome”, answers Professor Boris Hansel.

How to prevent metabolic syndrome?

Some preventive measures can prevent the onset of metabolic syndrome:

  • go regularlyhealth checks ;
  • avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption ;
  • the practice of a regular and adapted sports activity ;
  • the respect of a healthy and balanced diet (a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats and low-fat dairy products).

How to treat metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is not a fatality, since it comes largely from an eating disorder and insufficient physical activity. The essence of the treatment actually lies in changing your lifestyle.

Most of the work consists of questioning one’s diet and reducing one’s consumption of sugar, fat (fatty meats, meats, cheese) and sugary drinks. Simple questions to ask yourself: do you eat even when you are not hungry? Do you snack between meals? Do you skip meals? Do you get up at night to eat? It is then up to you to take the necessary measures to readjust and change your eating habits.

Second objective: get your body moving once more. No question of becoming a marathon runner! The minimum physical activity required is 30 minutes of brisk walking per day. An easy tip to apply: move on any occasion: prefer steps to the elevator, walking to the car or the bus… Also practice a sporting activity, ideally 45 minutes, three times a week, favoring endurance sports and resistance such as running, rowing, swimming or cycling, while respecting its limits to effort.

« The treatment of the metabolic syndrome is exclusively of a hygieno-dietetic order. “, insists Professor Hansel. And to clarify: “no drug has marketing authorization (AMM) specifically issued for the treatment of metabolic syndrome. » Some may be useful for treating abnormalities or conditions related to metabolic syndrome, such as antidiabetics et antihypertensives. “But these treatments will never replace the lifestyle changes that are the mainstay of treatment. »

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