Met on the Set of the Daily STAT: Suzanne Clément Talks Plots, Projects, and More!

2023-09-03 10:00:00

Met on the set of the daily STAT as the team entered its fourth week of filming, Suzanne Clément of course spoke to us regarding the plots of the series, but also regarding her other projects, including the filming of an adventure comedy inspired by the board game werewolves.

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Suzanne Clément admits she is happy to find the character of Emmanuelle St-Cyr for a second season. “The first we discovered everything. As we used to say, Pascal (Tremblay) and me, we loved filming, but we sometimes looked at each other with a certain fear in our eyes. Now, there are plenty of maneuvers that are mastered, and that’s really cool, it’s more relaxing. There is therefore an ease in finding Emmanuelle this year. There, the trip is to bring everything to another level. The writing of Marie-Andrée (Labbe) is formidable, she has a great mastery of this patent, which is unique in terms of writing. She masters the characters, the humor and all the other facets of the script. And she does it all by herself, too! I love the moment when I get the texts, and I also love the new cases.” When asked if she has the impression that the public rediscovers her with this character, she who worked in France for several years, she agrees. “It’s true that I have nice comments from people who tell me they’re happy that I’m back. It makes me happy, it’s not trivial. I didn’t necessarily have any expectations of that, but the response is really great.”

Several reversals are also to be expected for Emmanuelle during the next season. “It is certain that her quest to try to understand what happened to her husband is not over. Viewers have a lot of questions following the last episode of the first season, but my character doesn’t know regarding it all. Jacob and Emmanuelle therefore continue their relationship, which is sometimes stormy. This dynamic is really fun to play, because they are two very changing characters, and they assume it. They admire and respect each other, and they usually love working together, but sometimes it suddenly switches because one of the two is angry. But it never lasts, because their mutual admiration is too strong and precious, for both of them. It’s very interesting.” Suzanne takes the opportunity to salute the talent of her acting accomplice, Lou-Pascal Tremblay, whom she did not know at all before filming in STAT. “Lou-Pascal is gold in the bar! He is a very generous and very open playing partner. It’s easy to work with him; he’s disciplined and creative, like everyone else on set, by the way. The whole team is involved.” His reunion with the rest of the actors was just as pleasant. “The first day, we were shooting a scene, Lou-Pascal, Normand (Of love) and me, and we started laughing. It was like a giggle of feverishness and excitement, like children who meet once more! It was like that all day, it was electric. Genevieve (Schmidt) also laughed … We were really excited to see each other once more and to find our complicity.

Photo : Eric Myre

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All the actors who have shot in a daily agree that it is an incomparable experience. Suzanne agrees with them. “It’s really fun to do. It’s rare to have this relationship with a character, where you see him evolve from day to day. We explore more his humor, his intelligence, his madness, his relationship to work… There is a pleasure in that. Especially since there are many nuances in Emmanuelle. It’s hard to experience grief like his. She loved him, her boyfriend, and he left too quickly. But that doesn’t stop him from loving life and his patients. It’s a bit of a workaholic, I think his grief goes through that. It’s a good outlet for her.” Another nice compliment from the public, Suzanne has already made such an impression on viewers with this character that many have admitted to her that they would like to have a doctor like her. “That’s a really nice compliment!” she admits.

One would have thought that with such a demanding filming schedule, the actress was going to take advantage of her few months of respite to rest, but that was not the case. Instead, she participated in two other productions! “Yes, I did two projects,” she laughs. I shot in the series The Sticky, but since I don’t have a lead role in it, it was really relaxed, even though I was shooting on weekends. It happened this spring, in Quebec. I also shot a film in Europe which was still more gripping, but I would say that, compared to STAT, everything looks easier! “You pick me up at 7:30? Wow, I’m on vacation, finally!” (laughs)» About the series The Sticky, part of the filming of which took place in Old Saint-Eustache, tells the story of the theft of maple syrup that occurred 10 years ago, in Saint-Louis-de-Blanford. Jamie Lee Curtis plays a role in it, in addition to acting as co-producer, as well as several other Quebec actors, including Guillaume Cyr and Guy Nadon.

As for the film she shot and which also stars Jean Reno and Franck Dubosc, it is a Netflix production whose title is werewolves and which is adapted from the board game of the same name. A big production that called on more than 1200 extras! “It was still great to be in Prague for this film! I spent nine weeks there. And then, shooting an adventure film is different! It’s a movie Jumanji. We shot outdoors almost all the time, in somewhat fantastic settings. It’s comedy, but it’s mostly a family adventure movie. It’s really fun! When I came back to Quebec, I was told that I hadn’t taken much vacation, but it was still a bit. I was elsewhere, I visited museums, I jogged in parks near castles… Prague is so beautiful!” We therefore understand that even if she was there to work, her stay nevertheless provided her with a good dose of rejuvenation! The next break will come at the end of the fall, while Suzanne, like all her colleagues at STAT, will have three weeks off for the holidays. Will she take the opportunity to shoot a new film on the other side of the ocean? “I have projects there, but if it is confirmed, it would be more for the spring, following the filming of STAT“, she concludes.

STATMonday to Thursday 7 p.m., on Radio-Canada, starting September 11.
The Stickydestined for Prime Video, should see the light of day in 2024, just like the film werewolveswhich will be available on Netflix.

SEE ALSO: 28 Quebec stars who are a hit in France

#Suzanne #Clément #real #crush #comedian #STAT



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