Message of Solidarity: Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance in Support of Palestine’s Mujahideen

2023-11-01 15:05:21

The military media of the “Islamic Resistance” Hezbollah published a message from the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon to the brave Mujahideen of the Resistance in the Gaza Strip and all of occupied Palestine.

The message stated: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Let those who exchange the life of this world for the herefollowing fight in the name of God. And whoever fights in the cause of God and is killed or overcomes, We will give him a great reward – God the Most High, the Great, has spoken the truth – Surah An-Nisa, verse 74.”

She added, “Forearms that have never known humiliation and disgrace, and hearts filled with certainty in God and reassurance in His promise, to the land of steadfastness and glory, to the land of the landing place of the Messenger and the Beloved, the Best of Mankind, Muhammad (PBUH), to the Qiblah of the free and the faithful, to the people of the Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza, Hashem.”

She continued, “This is part of our resolve behind the borders of Palestine. To support Al-Aqsa, we took up arms. Victory is our date and the morning is near.”

She added, “O oppressed people of proud Gaza, the killing of your children, your women, your young men, and your old people is great, and your spirit of steadfastness is even greater, and this blood of your resistance is drowning this aging entity, of which only a portion of its last breath remains.”

She pointed out, “You, heroes of the cause and jihad, and convoys of determination and martyrdom, have rubbed the nose of this fragile entity, and have truly shown the world that they are weaker than a spider’s web and that liberation is imminent.”

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She pointed out that “our hand is with you on the trigger, as we fight the enemy of God in support of our most vulnerable people and our oppressed people in beloved Palestine, so strike them above the necks, and strike them at every fingertips, and be certain that your martyrs and our martyrs are the path to Jerusalem, until the day of the clear conquest.”

He concluded: “And may God help those who support Him, in truth, in a promise, and in truth. And peace be upon the Chosen One Muhammad and his good and pure family and companions.”

#morning #near.. #resistance #Lebanon #sends #message #resistance #Palestine

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