Message from the Mexican bishops regarding the definition of plurinominal deputies

The Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM) released, in a video, its reflections on the upcoming integration of the Chamber of Deputiesfor the LXVI Legislature.

Among other points, the collegiate body of Mexican bishops expresses its trust “in which the electoral authorities (INE and TEPJF) will act responsibly and consistently when officially designating the deputies by proportional representation“, after the elections of June 2nd.

“In a true democracy there are ‘the majorities‘, but without any detriment to ‘las
‘. Minorities find their own spaces of freedom in democracy. representation to have a presence in the discussions of public order. The orderly and legal coexistence of ‘the majorities’ with ‘the minorities’ is essential for a healthy democracythat is, ethical, fair, socially correct and inclusive,” says the CEM in its message “A Congress for all Mexicans“, which was released in a statement on August 14.

YouTube video

The Mexican bishops remember that the creation from the figure of “proportional representation“was intended to strengthen minorities in public debate.

“This effort culminated in the political alternation at all levels of government, including the Executive Branch in 2000. It is worth remembering that the entire democratic scaffolding It was perfected with the development of autonomous bodies for regulate the limits and responsibilities of the three powers that support our system of government,” the CEM highlights in its position.

This is the message “A Congress for all Mexicans“, that the bishops Catholics spread the word on the occasion of the definition of proportional representation seats in the Congress of the Union.

In the text, the Mexican Episcopal Conference calls on the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) to act responsibly and consistently when appointing deputies by proportional representation and avoid a “unfair overrepresentation“.

“It is essential that in this process both the ‘letter’ and ‘spirit’ of the Laws are respected. This implies avoiding an unfair overrepresentation of some political forces. Let us remember that the Constitution has established a balance between legislators of the different parties and coalitions, and this balance must be honored and maintained“, he noted.

The Catholic bishops of Mexico said that if these institutions do not respect “the spirit” of what the Constitution and the law mandate, democracy would be weakened in the country.

#Message #Mexican #bishops #definition #plurinominal #deputies
2024-08-29 17:01:10



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