Mercury Transits into Virgo: A Transformative Change in Communication Begins on September 9th


With Mercury in your friendly Virgo it will be your best period in matters related to communication with others, your creative and business plans, relationships with children and younger people. In fact, if you do a profession related to either showbiz, art, teaching or professions aimed at children, success can come faster than you expect. Within a context of quite demanding aspects, Mercury will be your safety cushion and will help you to have a better judgment. It’s also a good time to express your thoughts to others and make suggestions at work. If you are on a late vacation or have a more relaxed schedule, anything that stimulates your brain cells will be interesting during this time, from a book to a board game to play with family or friends, but also some visits to museums, archaeological sites, exhibitions etc. You will have more opportunities until 26/09 for fun contacts and outings, love and flirting, better contact with children, playing sports, hobbies.


Financial issues will concern you more with the new position of Mercury in Virgo from 09/09 to 26/09 in the second phase of its course in this sign. Now, the emphasis will be on the financial sector and certainly within the next period you can organize your finances better. You may even be able to obtain a more favorable settlement or financing. You may enter into negotiations with others about buying and selling or more generally about issues related to your salary and the money you earn. Of course, it can also whet your appetite for spending, shopping, and consumerism. With a little care and prudence, however, you will manage not to go out of bounds. But Mercury in Virgo is not only about money and practical business matters. It has to do with everything that has value for you in your life, whether they are material or spiritual goods, and all of these you will explore more in the next period.


A more internal period for you is marked by Mercury entering Virgo. Maybe it’s a period with a lot of secrets or even a backstory that will come to the surface later when Mercury takes a position in your own sign from 09/26. On the other hand, you may now be preparing something, falling head over heels in a project, doing research or preparing for your studies and need some isolation or concentration in all that you have to do. Many times with this influence you simply do not want to share your opinions and thoughts with others even if you should. Mercury in Virgo is helpful for you if you want to know yourself better, do psychotherapy, meditation. It helps you get in touch with your own hidden sides, with unconscious choices, dark spots and obsessions. Not wanting to talk openly about what’s on your mind may stem from a fear of your own at this time that others won’t keep your secrets safe. You will generally be a little more suspicious.


The return of Mercury to Virgo from 09/09 to 26/09 directs your attention to your financial matters, especially those that describe your financial dealings with others or the management of the finances of third parties. Thus, it is a good time to organize debts, debts, apply for financing, grants, etc., as well as to do a better check on investments. This is a more inward placement for Mercury than in your Sun chart, prompting you to look inward more and think about your own issues without being influenced by others. It is a good time to get in touch with your most invisible sides, face your phobias head on and maybe change the way you behave in your everyday life that is influenced by past events and perceptions. You will be more interested in meaningful conversations in depth rather than the surface. During this time you may enter into negotiations for buying and selling or earn money from investments.


You will deal more with your relationships – personal and professional – during this time, as this sector is activated by Mercury returning to Virgo. You will have opportunities for discussions, contacts, presentation of your work. Maybe you have new suggestions that you will find interesting. The only thing that needs attention is not to be stubborn and stick to your own opinions. If there were problems in a relationship, take advantage of the influence of Mercury in Virgo to explain and find solutions together through dialogue. Also, Mercury in Virgo helps you find the right expert who can give you professional help in whatever matter concerns you, be it something medical, legal, professional or even personal. In general, you will want to communicate more, make acquaintances, and you will not be bothered by opposing opinions and opinions either, since they will intrigue you more. If during the first phase of its course in this sign from 26/07 to 14/08 you faced misunderstandings, delays or even problems in your relationships, especially if you were born in the first ten days, you may now correct things and extend an olive branch to sweeten your relationships.

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#Mercury #Virgo

Virgo Mercury characteristics

Mercury in Virgo: What It⁣ Means for Your⁢ Zodiac Sign

Mercury, the planet of ⁣communication, has entered the sign of Virgo, and this change is set⁤ to bring about some significant effects⁣ on various aspects of our⁢ lives, depending on our zodiac sign. From communication and finances to personal growth and relationships, Mercury in ⁢Virgo is expected to bring about a ​mix ‌of opportunities and challenges. ‌Let’s dive deeper into what this transit​ means for Taurus, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Taurus⁢ (April 20 – May 20)

For Taurus, Mercury in Virgo is a blessing in disguise. This⁣ transit is expected to bring about a period of exceptional communication skills, creativity, and business acumen. If you’re ⁤involved in⁤ professions related to showbiz, art, teaching, or working with ⁢children,⁤ you can expect rapid‌ success ⁤and recognition. This‌ is also an excellent⁤ time to express‌ your thoughts, make suggestions​ at work, and engage in mentally⁢ stimulating ⁤activities like reading, board games, or museum visits.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Financial matters will ​take‌ center stage for Leo, as Mercury in Virgo emphasiszes the financial sector. You can expect to‌ organize your finances better, negotiate favorable settlements, and explore new financial opportunities. However, be cautious not to let your appetite for⁢ spending and​ consumerism⁢ get the ‍better of you. This transit is ‍also about exploring the value you ⁢place on material and spiritual​ goods in your life. According to astrologer Lisa​ Stardust, Mercury in Virgo‍ ensures “clear,⁤ concise, and direct communication,” which can help you navigate financial issues with⁤ ease.

Libra ⁤(September 23‌ – October⁢ 22)

For Libra, Mercury in Virgo marks a period of introspection and self-discovery. You may find yourself preparing for a project, doing research, or falling head over heels ‌in love with a new idea. This transit is excellent for getting ⁣in‌ touch with your hidden selves, exploring unconscious⁢ choices, and overcoming dark‌ spots and obsessions. ‍You may not feel like sharing your⁣ thoughts with⁣ others, but this is a great ⁢time for meditation,⁢ self-reflection, and getting to know yourself better. Mercury in Virgo individuals are ⁣known to be adept at⁢ organizing and planning, which can help you navigate this period of ‌self-discovery.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, this transit is all ​about financial matters that involve others, such as debts, investments, and financial dealings with third parties.⁢ You can expect to organize your finances better, apply for financing, and explore new investment opportunities. ‌This is ⁢also a‍ great time‍ to face your phobias, change your behavior, and engage in meaningful conversations that ‌bring about personal growth. Gemini, with Mercury as their planetary ruler, can expect to excel in Virgo, which can have a‍ positive⁣ impact ⁢on your‍ financial dealings.

Pisces (February 19 – March⁣ 20)

For Pisces, Mercury in Virgo ⁣is all about relationships ⁣- personal and ⁤professional. You can expect to engage in discussions, contacts, and presentations, and even find new suggestions that⁤ interest you. The ‍key to⁣ navigating this​ transit is to remain open-minded and ‌not stubborn about your opinions. This is also ⁢an⁣ excellent time to find the right expert who can provide professional‌ help in areas that concern you. Mercury ⁢in Virgo individuals are known for their ​ability to plan and organize, which can help you‌ navigate your relationships with ⁢ease.

Mercury in Virgo is a ⁤complex transit that brings about opportunities ⁣and challenges⁣ for each zodiac sign.⁤ By understanding what this transit means for your sign, you can harness​ its energy⁢ to improve your communication skills, finances, personal growth, and relationships. Remember to stay adaptable, open-minded, and focused ‍on your ⁣goals⁢ to make ‌the most of this transit.

Virgo Sun Virgo Mercury

The Influence of Mercury in Virgo on the Zodiac Signs

Mercury, the planet of communication, is moving into the sign of Virgo, and this transit is expected to have a significant impact on various aspects of life for different zodiac signs. In this article, we’ll explore how Mercury in Virgo will influence Taurus, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, and Pisces, and what opportunities and challenges they can expect during this period.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

With Mercury in Virgo, Taurus can expect a boost in their communication skills, particularly in matters related to business and creative plans. This is an excellent time to express thoughts and opinions at work, and success can come quickly for those in showbiz, art, teaching, or professions related to children. Mercury in Virgo also favors fun contacts, outings, and activities that stimulate the mind, such as reading, board games, or visits to museums. Take advantage of this period to improve judgment and make suggestions at work. ([1])

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Financial issues will take center stage for Leos with Mercury in Virgo. This transit offers an opportunity to organize finances better, negotiate more favorable settlements, and explore new ways to earn money. However, be cautious not to overspend, as Mercury in Virgo can also stimulate consumerism. This period is not just about material wealth; it’s also about exploring what has value in life, whether material or spiritual. ([2])

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

For Libras, Mercury in Virgo signals a more internal and introspective period. This is a time to focus on personal growth, prepare for new projects, and engage in research or studies. Mercury in Virgo can help Libras get in touch with their hidden sides, unconscious choices, and dark spots. However, be aware of a tendency to be more suspicious and secretive, and don’t hesitate to seek help from others if needed. ([3])

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians will focus on their financial matters, particularly those related to others, such as debts, investments, and financing. This is an excellent time to organize finances, apply for grants, and explore new investment opportunities. Mercury in Virgo also encourages introspection, facing phobias, and changing behavior patterns influenced by past events. Expect meaningful conversations and a desire to explore deeper topics. ([1])

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces will experience a boost in their relationships, both personal and professional, with Mercury in Virgo. This transit offers opportunities for discussions, new contacts, and presenting work. Be open to feedback and don’t be stubborn about your opinions. Mercury in Virgo can also help Pisces find the right expert for professional help, whether medical, legal, or personal. Expect to communicate more, make new acquaintances, and be intrigued by opposing opinions. ([3])

Mercury in Virgo brings a mix of opportunities and challenges for various zodiac signs. While it can stimulate communication, finance, and personal growth, it also requires attention to detail, caution, and introspection. By understanding how Mercury in Virgo influences your sign, you can make the most of this transit and navigate the coming weeks with confidence.



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