Mercadona offers this trick to save space in the freezer

Mercadona is a gigantic supermarket chain created and popularized in Spain. It is so big that it is not limited to just selling foods and other products, but has also become a thought leader on certain topics, most of them related to cocina. In this case, we will talk regarding a very simple trick What does this company offer? so that we save space in our freezer.

All those who are used to making rather bulky purchases, on many occasions, complain regarding lack of space in their refrigerators and freezers. Sometimes it’s because they buy too many products, but other times it is because they do not know tricks as simple as they are obvious like this. We assure you that this method of Mercadona It will be of great help to you.

A very effective trick to save space in your freezer, proposed by Mercadona

The great Spanish supermarket chain has taken the opportunity with this advice to advertise its freezer bags, which stand out for being airtight and easy to close and store. When we want to freeze food, either because it is left over or because it requires freezing for its proper preservation, we normally use these special bags, and most of the time we store them horizontally. It’s not that this way of storing them is wrong, but we would save much more space in the trays that make up our freezer if we placed them vertically.

A woman storing the bags vertically in the freezer, as Mercadona recommends

This is the simple trick that Mercadona proposes to get more food to fit in the same freezer drawer. It seems very obvious, right? Well, you will be surprised to know that more people than you think have not realized that this was a possibility to be able to save a greater number of products. If your freezer bags are of good quality and have a 100% secure closure, like the ones sold by the Mercadona supermarket chain, we recommend you one hundred percent follow their advice. No more having no room for any other product!

Mercadona’s high-quality freezer bags

This product that is sold in the establishments of the Spanish company stands out for being very useful and easy to handle. To begin with, it has a fairly considerable storage capacity and, what is more important, as we have discussed in the previous section, its closure is hermetic and 100% safe, which means that nothing you put inside will come out. We also recommend you buy Mercadona’s freezer bags for these reasons.



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