Mental Health Strategies for Companies: Wellness Programs, Training for Leaders, and Access to Resources

2024-01-16 10:40:48

By 2025, it is expected that 15% of the world’s working population will have some mental health disorder, according to the WHO.

Training for leaders, Wellness Programs, and Access to Mental Health Resources are some tactics that should be incorporated into companies to contribute to the well-being of employees.

Bogotá, January 2023. According to recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that by 2025, more than 15% of the global working population will experience some mental health disorder. Therefore, the health and well-being of employees have become essential elements that not only impact the professional climate, but also determine the performance and long-term sustainability of a company.

Recognizing the importance of health in the work environment, Adecco Colombia presents a series of strategies aimed at guiding companies in the task of cultivating an environment that promotes the physical and mental well-being of their employees.

In 2024, companies will focus on proactive strategies to foster a healthier work environment, recognizing the importance of mental health. Accordingly, the tactics will be aimed at comprehensive well-being programs, work flexibility, supportive culture, access to mental health services, training in coping skills, proactive monitoring, inclusion and diversity, clear boundaries between work and personal life, and support for leaders and supervisors.

What types of strategies promote the mental health of employees?

Hybrid work, which combines in-office presence and teleworking, poses particular challenges for managing employee mental health. Therefore, below are 9 essential measures that companies can adopt to promote and preserve the mental health of their employees, regardless of their location or work environment:

  • Clear and open communication: Establishing effective communication channels is crucial.

  • Flexibility and autonomy: Provide flexibility in terms of working hours and methods, so that employees can balance their work and personal responsibilities effectively.

  • Training for Leaders: Train leaders to manage distributed teams, fostering empathy and understanding of employees’ different circumstances.

  • Wellness Programs: Implement wellness programs that include resources for stress management, resilience, and the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits.

  • Access to mental health resources: Facilitate access to mental health services, such as psychological counseling centers along with psychoeducation from national hotlines.

  • Define boundaries between work and personal life: Help employees establish clear boundaries between work and personal life to avoid work fatigue and burnout.

  • Social connection: Encourage social interaction among employees, whether through virtual meetings, online social events, or group activities.

  • Recognition and gratitude: Recognizing and appreciating employees’ work, as the lack of in-person interaction, can make positive feedback more crucial than ever.

  • Disconnection policies: Implement policies that encourage employees to disconnect following work hours to avoid fatigue and burnout.

  • Now, in a competitive labor market and with objectives such as contributing to the attraction and retention of human talent, companies can stand out by offering well-being and mental health programs such as:

    • Individualized Approach, such as psychological counseling.

    • Easy access to resources.

    • Intuitive digital platforms.

    • Integral wellness.

    • Culture of support.

    • Psychosocial risk prevention programs.

    • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

    • Wellness activities.

    • Recognition of effort.

    • Culture of gratitude.

    As for new technologies, which end up being a support for the mental health of employees, emotional support, educational and awareness platforms, stress monitoring tools, as well as virtual reality for therapy, are recommended. These alternatives must meet high standards of confidentiality and privacy, however, it is worth highlighting the importance of complementing them with human interactions and psychological care, highlighting that they should not completely replace human connection.

    “In a dynamic business world, health and well-being are essential elements that impact the work environment and determine long-term performance. Our exploration of strategies seeks to transform the work dynamics and lives of our human capital, offering programs that not only promote physical well-being, but also recognize the growing importance of mental health in 2024. When addressing challenges of hybrid work, evaluate proactively stress factors and use emerging technologies, we are setting the tone for a sustainable and differentiating work environment in today’s competitive market,” he says. Juan Zamora, HSE and Sustainability Manager at Adecco Colombia.

    Finally, in a highly competitive professional environment, differentiating yourself means going beyond offering standard benefits. Authenticity and effective implementation are key so that programs are not only attractive, but also generate a positive and lasting impact on the mental health of employees.

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