Investigation CoviPrev explores, since March 2020, the evolution, in the general population, of behaviors (barrier gestures, confinement, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, diet and physical activity) and mental health (well-being, disorders). Wave N°34 (period from May 9 to 16, 2022) has returned its results. First lesson, the mental health of the people questioned remained degraded. “Although stable compared to the last wave of the survey (period from April 8 to 15, 2022), the level of the various indicators was still high. In May 2022, 15% of French people showed signs of a depressive state and 25% signs of an anxious state, ”explains the survey. In addition, the “prevalence of suicidal thoughts remained at a high level (11%) and followed a significant upward trend since the 1st measurement point carried out in February 2021”. Sleep problems were still at a very high level: 67% of French people said they had them in the last eight days. “Whatever the indicator considered, the profiles of the population most in difficulty are people with a difficult financial situation as well as those declaring a history of psychological disorder(s),” explain the authors.