Mental health needs are dire

And these resources are definitely there in Sherbrooke: 3SM Supervised Apartments welcome users with mental health needs. This organization offers permanent assistance, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The goal is to allow users to gain autonomy.

Within this organization, it was cooking day for François Boisvert and his friends Isaac and Richard, on Saturday. Guided by specialist educator Marilou Foisy, they prepare stuffed dumplings. To eat well, but also to spend time together, like a family.

François Boisvert suffers from schizophrenia, and resides at 3SM Supervised Apartments.We are never left alone here, that’s what is very good, I think, he says. We are always with people and we do not feel isolated. We make friends too, that’s what’s good. “,”text”:”We are never left alone here, that’s what is very good, I think, he assures. We are always with people and we do not feel isolated. We make friends too, that’s what’s good. “}}”> We are never left alone here, that’s what is very good, I think, he says. We are always with people and we do not feel isolated. We make friends too, that’s what’s good.

Educators like Marilou Foisy are available around the clock, all week long, to help people with mental health problems progress.

The goal is to do rehabilitation, so that the people who are here can one day go to an independent apartment. explains the specialized educator, Marilou Foisy.

« I learned to accept my illness, which is hearing voices and seeing faces. I still have some misery, but I’m still learning to try to accept it and live with it. »

A quote from Francois Boisvert.

Saturday was cooking day at 3SM Supervised Apartments.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Pierrick Pichette

Marilou Foisy has been making friends with users for ten years now. I chose that to be in the living with, then to live with them the successes, but also the failures, explains the specialized educator. As a good Quebecer, I trip with them.

Lack of means

But, even if the resources exist, the means are not sufficient to meet the needs. Despite some thirty supervised apartments, more than 40 places in residential accommodation and nearly fifteen other housing units in Sherbrooke, 3SM apartments cannot offer this assistance to all those who request it.

I usually have two to three calls a week from families, even clients, who are looking for a place to live, either in housing resources or in supervised apartments, mentions the assistant director of 3SM Supervised Apartments, Mélanie Samson. They must be referred to the psychosocial reception.

As of February 25, 20,871 people were waiting for mental health services in Quebec. In Estrie, they were 1414. A number that the government has agreed to reduce, a few days before the presentation of its budget on Tuesday.

« It creates a lot of distress to be told that the waiting lists can sometimes go up to two years. The teams that provide mental health care within the health network are themselves exhausted and carry a heavy burden of knowing that they are not able to offer the necessary care. »

A quote from Christine Labrie, Solidarity MNA for Sherbrooke.

I consider myself very lucky to have come here, assures François Boisvert. If everyone might have a place like this, there would be far fewer people doing mean things to other people.

According to the report by Pierrick Pichette.



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