Hi there !
I hope you are having a great summer despite these scorching temperatures…
It has been almost 4 years since I was infected. I must say that so far, I have managed quite well!
I had registered shortly following my diagnosis to reassure the newly infected. I think I’ve been strong so far…and I still am in a way. As I repeat to myself, we are no longer in the 80s…
Only, since November 2021, and the anxiety of not having my credit because of that, everything woke up (credit that I had without worries by the way). The anxiety of infecting others despite my undetectable status <12 copies, etc…
Despite a very good follow-up at La Pitié, I feel that my mental health is starting to fail…
I who reassured others before, I find myself in the situation where I have to be reassured, where everything scares me, the slightest misinterpretation of blood results terrifies me (latest to date, the cmv, which I do not have but which I have had in my life, which however is harmless according to my infectiologist if my CD4 remains high as is the case)…in short, it becomes tiring.
Couldn’t it just be the effects of Genvoya?
I’m not here to undermine the morale of those who are in my case, because in the end it’s purely psychological. Just to have advice from those who have already been there and who have gone beyond all this…
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read…
Have a nice month of August, be careful and above all take care of yourself!