Men’s descent in Beaver Creek on Saturday – preliminary report, start list and live ticker – start time 18:15

Beaver Creek – After the Speedmen mightn’t compete in a downhill run on Friday, everyone is hoping that a regular race can take place on the Raptor slope on Saturday. FIS Race Director Markus Waldner optimistic regarding the descent on Saturday: “We have a lot of work to do, but we can do it for Saturday. I’m very confident because we’re supposed to have a 10 o’clock window for the races. On Thursday we had great downhill training on an excellent slope. I’m already optimistic for Saturday, but we won’t see the sun and light snowfall is forecast. But when we have the slope clean once more and, above all, we can offer safety on the sides and the fall areas, it should be fine.” It will be exciting to see which of the big favorites will be ahead by a nose. There are many names, and anyone who tames the piste without making any mistakes has more than earned a hundred. At 18.00 (CET) the first athlete will be let out of the start house. The official FIS start list for the men’s downhill on Saturday at 6 p.m. on the “Birds of Prey” in Beaver Creek, as well as the start numbers and the FIS live ticker can be found here in the data menu immediately following arrival.

Facts and Figures – 2nd Downhill of the Season
Men’s downhill at Beaver Creek on Saturday

FIS start list: Men’s departure on Friday
FIS live ticker: Men’s departure on Friday
FIS final result: men’s departure on Friday

FIS final result: 3rd men’s downhill training
FIS final result: 2nd men’s downhill training

Men’s overall World Cup standings 2022/23
Men’s World Cup Downhill 2022/23

Nations Cup: men’s ranking
Nations Cup: overall standings

All data will be updated immediately upon arrival

If you take the first downhill race of the season as a yardstick, then of course it’s the Norwegian Aleksander Aamodt Source given the big favorite role. He won the discipline classification last winter and got off to a more than optimal start to the winter with his success on Canadian snow. However, Kilde is struggling with a fever and it remains to be seen if a virus can slow down the Viking.

The Austrian Daniel Hemetsberger, who achieved very good results in Lake Louise, would also like to get a taste of the podium on US snow and stand up to the Norwegian. The Swiss Marco Odermatt can place in the top three in several disciplines and has proven that so far. It is not for nothing that he made this special feature his own last season and won the big crystal globe by a very large margin.

The Austrian Matthias Mayerwho won the final training session on the “Birds of Prey”, naturally wants to take a lot of positive things with him from this training trip and be aggressive at the start of the race.

The Confederate Beat Feuz, who already has four small crystal balls, can also be trusted with the fifth at the end of a long winter due to his consistency. His driving style is sometimes inconspicuous, but the Swiss ski athlete who lives in Tyrol always delivers when it’s needed – including the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

We shouldn’t underestimate the French Johan Clarey, who will be 42 in five weeks. In the style of a well-stored red wine, its maturity indicates that it is always and always suitable for a good placement. The Swiss Niels Hintermann and the German Thomas Dreßen – the latter has already qualified for the Alpine World Ski Championships in France – will also step on the gas pedal in the USA and mix things up positively in their favour. An open-ended question will be how the Chilean is doing Henrik von Appen beats, who presented himself excellently with a starting number far from 50 on the second test drive and raced into the top 10.

The master of the house Ryan Cochran-Siegle certainly knows the raptor slope like inside out; he will do everything in his power to drive the key passages as precisely as possible in order to perhaps snag one or the other advantage over the opposition. His good training result makes you hungry for more. The Germans Romed Baumann and Josef Ferstl can show what they are made of. Perhaps we already know this weekend who will accompany Dreßen to Courchevel and Méribel. As you know, the Alpine Ski World Championships will take place on French soil in February 2022.

The Austrians Vincent Kriechmayrreigning world champion, and Otmar Striedinger also want to have a good start into the winter. The latter won the first qualifying session and wants to show with an excellent result at World Cup level that he’s far from being on the scrap heap. The hosts are hoping Travis Ganongand also the DSV athlete Dominik Schwaiger can only be positive.

The South Tyrolean Christof Innerhofer, who turns 38 in three weeks, finds himself in a similar role to Clarey – he has nothing to lose. his compatriot Dominik Paris, who is a strong contender for the small crystal ball, can no longer afford to miss out. Otherwise the crystalline dreams will end sooner than he would like. And by the way: There are still many races to come.

The Slovenian Miha Hrobat and Matthew Bailet from the Equipe Tricolore are two solid ski racers who can always be found in the top 15. Thus, their presence on the first page of the ranking is anything but a utopia.

Last year, the Norwegian Aleksander Aamodt Kilde triumphed ahead of the Austrian Matthias Mayer and the Swiss Beat Feuz.

Preliminary report for Andreas Raffeiner

The men’s ski world cup calendar for the 2022/23 season

The women’s ski world cup calendar for the 2022/23 season



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