Member of Parliament for Europe: why you should only vote for Bocar Oumar Ba

2023-04-23 21:44:24

The relative relaxation of the conditions for enrollment cannot conceal the importance of the difficulties that our compatriots continue to encounter in registering themselves, in registering children born here, renewing a passport or even gaining access to any civil status paper issued by the embassy for some students who don’t have long arms.

On each of these problems, as on others, Bocar Oumar Ba’s program provides relevant answers. We, marginalized – excluded from the political game and decision-making centers, we oppressed forced into exile, should all recognize ourselves in its programmatic line. His candidacy perfectly matches the contours of the fight for living together and more broadly for the resolution of the national and social question.

His next campaign meeting, which will take place this time in Mantes-la-Jolie (Paris region) at the Agora, 254, boulevard du Maréchal Juin, Saturday April 29 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m., will be an opportunity to fruitful exchanges with the candidate.

In Europe, if we choose the Bocar Oumar Ba and Djeinaba Kamara ticket, our diaspora gives itself the means of an anti-system, intelligent, seasoned and political representation which will fight in the national assembly in an effective way to find political solutions to the problems of systemic exclusion experienced daily in foreign lands by the authorities of our country.

With Djeinaba and Bocar, our Mauritanian citizenship will be restored. It will become full and whole again. The time has come. So, in the secrecy of the voting booth, your hand must not shake. It must be firm to elect the deputy Bocar Oumar Ba who has never weakened. A plebiscite, why not!

Ciré Ba et Boubacar Diagana – Paris, 04/23/2023

#Member #Parliament #Europe #vote #Bocar #Oumar

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