“Melons more dangerous than Berlusconi. Together to remedy this” –

Rita Cavallaro

“We need to fix it.” Giorgia Meloni has become the number one enemy of the red robes. In fibrillation because this time, in front, they don’t have Silvio Berlusconi, to be hit with judicial investigations for some skeleton in the closet. Meloni doesn’t have any, she can’t be blackmailed, as she herself has repeatedly claimed, and therefore she is too dangerous, an obstacle that is difficult to overcome. This is the content of the shocking email exchanged yesterday between representatives of the Democratic Magistracy, the armed wing of the left that does not know how to win elections and tries to subvert the democratic order with the blows of the judicial cleaver, and the ANM, the national association magistrates who raise the barricades against justice reform. The email was written at 6.32pm yesterday to a large mailing list of aligned judges by the deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Marco Patarnello, one of the most authoritative voices of the dem current of the judiciary.

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The object is a whole program, the manifesto of that political opposition announced and implemented by judge Silvia Albano, the president of MD who ordered the return to Italy of the twelve migrants transferred to the detention center for the repatriation of Gjader, in the same hours in which Pd, M5s and Avs presented the incredible question to the European Parliament, with which they asked the EU to open an infringement procedure against Rome for the agreement with Tirana on migratory flows, which the Europe. Judge Patarnello, with the subject «Does not validate migrant detention in Albania», writes to his colleagues: «Undoubtedly the attack on jurisdiction has never been so strong, perhaps not even in Berlusconi’s time. In any case, today it is a much more dangerous and insidious attack for many reasons. First of all because Meloni has no judicial investigations against her and therefore she does not act out of personal interests but out of political visions and this makes her much stronger. And it also makes his action much more dangerous, having as its objective the rewriting of the entire jurisdiction and not simply a safe conduct.”

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A tough nut to crack, Giorgia Meloni, who in recent months has been the victim of the Anti-Mafia dossier, of espionage in the bank, of the crossfire passed on her sister Arianna, but to no avail. The red robes, accustomed to unchallenged excessive power since the days of Tangentopoli, are in haywire. All the more so since «the judiciary is much more divided and weak than then», continues Patarnello, «it is isolated in society. We absolutely must remedy this. We can and must do it. At least we have to try. We have no control over social isolation but we can have control over the issue of internal solidarity. It is not acceptable to bow our shoulders now or for someone to carve out political space to the detriment of the entire judiciary.”

The MD exponent, therefore, calls to arms, almost seems to crave the political phalanx against the government, because «the compactness and homogeneity of this majority is much greater than in the past and the political force it can express is enormous and can really put a constitutional structure is being discussed, overturning key principles that we considered intangible. As a corollary of this political condition, access to decent information is even more difficult than in the Berlusconi era.” A full-blown confession, which confirms what the Cav claimed too many years ago, namely that the left-wing newspapers were the long arm of those judges who made him the most persecuted man in Italy. «So the danger for a truly independent judiciary and jurisdiction is very high», he continues.

Silvio was right about the judiciary

«We must be united and speak clearly. We must not be political opposition but we must defend jurisdiction and citizens’ right to an independent judge. Without shyness.” And finally the political action to be implemented immediately: «We must demand that the CSM opens a debate within itself and decides on a clear and clear reaction. May the ANM also show its unified and firm approach. Yesterday (Friday, ed.) I heard a good Santalucia, calm but rather clear. I would like it to be clearly felt that he represents the entire judiciary. We can’t do much but be united, keep our backs straight and speak clearly.” Well, clearer than that.

#Melons #dangerous #Berlusconi #remedy #Tempo



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