Meloni’s Victory: Ushering in a New Chapter for Europe

Pietro De Leo

September 18, 2024

All confirmed by the rumors leaked a few days ago. Ursula von der Leyen yesterday made her “bis” Commission official and the Italian Raffaele Fitto, Minister of European Affairs and exponent of Fratelli d’Italia, will be executive vice president, will deal with Cohesion and Reforms and will co-manage the Pnrr delegation together with the popular Latvian Valdis Dombrovskis. Fitto, explains the president, “will bring his great experience to modernize and strengthen investments for cohesion and growth policies”. And she underlined that “Italy is a very important country and this must also be reflected in the choice”.

And it is precisely on the centrality of our country, and the need to protect its interests, that most of the political declarations in the center-right are focused. Starting with the three leaders. The appointment of Fitto, says Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, number one of Fratelli d’Italia, «confirms the rediscovered central role of our nation in the EU. Italy is finally back as a protagonist in Europe». And in the evening on Vespa she adds: «Fitto will have a weighty role because Italy is worth it», before sending a message to the opposition: «Fitto will pass the test, but Italy must be united because in the EU every party has its weight».

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani called this news “excellent news that confirms the credibility and weighty role that Italy plays and will continue to play in Europe”. Matteo Salvini, Minister of Infrastructure and League secretary, claims the certainty that Fitto “will be able to advance Italy’s interests with common sense and correctness”. Therefore, Italy collects an important box and the facts sweep away many ulterior motives that have leaked out in recent days.

One above all: von der Leyen would have given her assent to Fitto as executive vice president to show good will, but then she would have made him crash into the wall of socialists and Macronists.
It didn’t go that way, the wall was there, the president of the Commission held her ground, assigning important delegations to Italy (cohesion, sources from Palazzo Chigi explained yesterday, is worth 378 billion). Indeed, yesterday she stated: «The European Parliament has 14 vice-presidents, two of which are from ECR (European family to which Fratelli d’Italia belongs, ed.). I have drawn the consequences for the composition of the commission». And when asked about the disagreements of the center-left bloc, she replied: «You have to ask them».

Political positions that demonstrate how the phase of subordination of the block led by Scholz and Macron continues after the elections. The centrality of the two socialist and “liberal” families, in fact, is located between the Berlin of the social democratic chancellor and the Paris of the tenant of the Elysée. In both cases, however, the weaknesses on the internal level continue to project into the European dimension. Scholz suffered a handful of days ago the debacle of the social democratic party in Saxony and Thuringia, lander where the elections decreed the surge in consensus for anti-system forces. Macron is struggling with a very difficult government gestation, only after months he managed to indicate a prime minister, the former EU commissioner Barnier, but the start of the executive is all unknown. It should be remembered, however, that the only real incident on the eve of the officialization of the EU Commission occurred precisely with the one who should have been the French member Thierry Breton, later replaced by Stephane Sejourne. The weakness of these two blocks, instead, sees as a counterbalance the vitality of the center-right forces.

The Commission sees a “relative majority” of members of the European People’s Party, which together with the members of ECR ​​(Fitto) or independents but still expressed by center-right governments creates a favorable condition. The dynamic that led to the indication of Fitto had a clear political core: the leader of the EPP Manfred Weber, with a mediating role of Antonio Tajani, ensured the support of the People’s Party for the Melonian representative. This could open a new phase, also in the formation of mobile majorities in the European Parliament that, on various dossiers, could see the People’s Party and the Conservatives come closer. It has already happened in the last legislature. This time it could happen more often, given the conditions of the liberal-progressive block.

#traFitto #Meloni #wins #Europe #Tempo
2024-09-19 15:53:02

What impact will Raffaele Fitto’s appointment have on ⁣Italy’s role in the European ⁢Union?

Ursula von der Leyen’s New Commission: Italy Takes Center Stage with Raffaele Fitto as Executive Vice President

In a move that has been hailed as a major victory ⁤for Italy, Ursula von der Leyen, the President⁣ of the European Commission, has announced that​ Italian politician Raffaele Fitto will serve as Executive ⁤Vice President of the Commission, responsible for ⁢Cohesion and Reforms. This development has sent shockwaves throughout the European political landscape, ‍with many interpreting it as a significant shift in power dynamics within the EU.

A Boost for Italy’s Influence in the EU

The appointment of Fitto, ‌a member ‍of the Fratelli d’Italia party, has been widely welcomed by Italian politicians⁤ across the center-right spectrum. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d’Italia, has hailed the ⁤move as ​a confirmation of Italy’s rediscovered central role in the EU. “Italy is finally⁢ back as ⁣a protagonist in Europe,” she said in a statement.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani has echoed Meloni’s sentiments, calling the news “excellent” and ​emphasizing⁢ the credibility and weighty role that Italy plays in Europe. Matteo Salvini, Minister of Infrastructure and League secretary, has also expressed his confidence in Fitto’s ability to advance Italy’s interests with ‌common sense and correctness.

A Snub to Socialist and Macronist Opposition

The appointment of Fitto has ‌also been seen as a snub to the socialist and Macronist bloc, which had‍ been‍ opposed ‍to his nomination. Von der Leyen’s decision to brush aside their objections has been interpreted as a show⁤ of strength and determination to assert her authority within the Commission.

The President of the Commission has emphasized that the European Parliament has 14 vice-presidents, two of which are from the European Conservative and Reformist (ECR) group, to which Fratelli d’Italia belongs. “I have drawn the consequences for the composition of the commission,” she said in response to questions ‍about⁣ the disagreements of ‍the​ center-left bloc.

A New Era of Cooperation and ​Influence

The appointment ‌of Fitto is seen ​as a significant development in the evolving power dynamics within the EU. The center-right forces, which have been gaining‌ strength in recent years, have secured a major victory with this appointment. The ⁤EPP (European People’s Party) and ECR have demonstrated their ⁣ability to work ⁢together, ‍paving the way for a new ​era of cooperation and influence ‌within the Commission.

Challenges Ahead

Despite⁢ the celebrations, there​ are still significant challenges ahead for Fitto and the Italian government. The country’s interests will need to be balanced with those of other member states, and the Commission will face numerous ⁤challenges in the ⁤coming years, from economic growth to⁢ migration and security.

However, for now, Italy can bask in⁤ the glory of its newfound influence within the EU. The appointment of Fitto has sent a clear​ message that Italy⁣ is back⁢ as a major player in European politics, and its interests will be taken seriously.


the appointment of Raffaele Fitto as Executive Vice President of the European Commission is a ​significant development that has far-reaching⁣ implications for Italy and the EU as a whole. It‍ marks a shift⁢ in power ‌dynamics, with the center-right forces‍ gaining ‍strength and influence. As Italy takes center stage,⁤ it remains to be seen how this new era of ‍cooperation ⁤and‌ influence will shape the EU’s future.

Optimized Keywords: Raffaele Fitto, Ursula von der ​Leyen, European Commission, ⁣Italy, EU politics, center-right forces, Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, Antonio Tajani, Matteo Salvini.

Meta Description: Italy takes center stage in EU politics with ⁣Raffaele Fitto’s appointment as Executive Vice President of the European Commission. Read more about the⁣ implications ​of this development and what it means

What significant milestones has Ursula von der Leyen achieved as President of the European Commission?

Ursula von der Leyen: The First Woman to Lead the European Commission and a Champion of European Unity

Ursula von der Leyen, a Belgian-born German politician, has made history by becoming the first woman to serve as the President of the European Commission [1[1]. Her appointment is a significant milestone in the European Union’s (EU) journey towards greater unity and cooperation. Von der Leyen’s leadership has been marked by her commitment to promoting European values, strengthening the EU’s institutions, and addressing the bloc’s pressing challenges.

A Champion of European Unity

Von der Leyen’s vision for the EU is built on the principles of unity, solidarity, and cooperation. She has consistently emphasized the importance of working together to address the EU’s common challenges, such as climate change, migration, and economic inequality [2[2]. Her leadership has been instrumental in promoting a more integrated and cohesive EU, where member states work together to achieve common goals.

A Strong Advocate for Gender Balance

Von der Leyen has been a strong advocate for gender balance in the EU’s institutions. Her commitment to promoting gender equality has been reflected in her appointments to the European Commission, where she has ensured that women hold key positions [3[3]. Her leadership has sent a powerful message that women have a vital role to play in shaping the EU’s future.

A Skilled Politician and Diplomat

Von der Leyen’s political career has been marked by her skill and diplomacy. She has navigated complex political landscapes with ease, building alliances and consensus across party lines. Her leadership has been instrumental in shaping the EU’s response to various crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the migration crisis.

A Commitment to European Interests

Von der Leyen has consistently demonstrated her commitment to promoting European interests. She has worked tirelessly to strengthen the EU’s relationships with its international partners, while also addressing the bloc’s internal challenges. Her leadership has been instrumental in shaping the EU’s response to global developments, such as the rise of China and the ongoing Brexit negotiations.


Ursula von der Leyen’s leadership has been a breath of fresh air for the European Union. Her commitment to promoting European unity, gender balance, and European interests has sent a powerful message to EU citizens and international partners alike. As the EU faces new challenges and opportunities, von der Leyen’s leadership will be instrumental in shaping the bloc’s future.


[1] Britannica. (n.d.). Ursula von der Leyen. Retrieved from

[2] Euronews. (2024, September 17). The eight biggest surprises from Ursula von der Leyen’s new European Commission. Retrieved from

[3] European



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