Meloni Outshines Ursula: Fitto’s Billion-Euro Strategy Outranks Gentiloni

Pietro De Leo

September 4, 2024

The European game seems to be going well for Italy. This is underlined by a behind-the-scenes story from the German Die Welt, which has published a draft of the outline of what should be the next EU Commission. Raffaele Fitto, the name that Giorgia Meloni had indicated to the number one of the EU government Ursula von der Leyen, should be assigned an executive vice-presidency, with delegations concerning the economy and the PNRR.

A leap forward, therefore, compared to the functions of the outgoing Italian box (the former Prime Minister and Pd exponent Paolo Gentiloni), who is responsible for economic and monetary affairs. The implementation of the PNRR, which is revealing its complexities in almost all the member states, is a turning point for the recovery of the community economies, weakened not only by Covid, the calamity that triggered the drafting of the plan, but also by the repercussions of the subsequent geopolitical crises.

Meloni returns and launches Fitto in the EU Commission

If the rumor were to be confirmed, entrusting Fitto with the matter in the community context would confirm the virtuousness of the discussions that, as a minister competent on the dossier, he has held with Brussels in these two years of mandate. And it would give reason to rejoice to the government and the majority about the achieved objective of affirming the centrality of our country. “For the first time, a right-wing populist, a member of the party of Fratelli d’Italia of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, will obtain a top post in the European Commission”, writes the Welt.

True in terms of news, a little less so in terms of identities. Although Fitto belongs to a political formation that has often held Eurocritical positions and did not vote for Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament (Giorgia Meloni, in the European Council, had instead abstained), his political culture is rooted in popularism.

Heir to a Christian Democrat family history, at the dawn of the Second Republic Fitto joined the CDU at a very young age, then in 1999 he was elected in Strasbourg with Forza Italia, the party that would express him at the head of the winning coalition in the Puglia regional elections in 2000. His subsequent exit from the blue shore many years later, to embrace the cause of the Reformist Conservatives (pre-Brexit era, when the European Tory family was Anglo-centric), would see him express moderate positions. A reassuring figure, therefore, on whose weight the synthesis was found with the German Christian Democrat Ursula von der Leyen.

Some elements, in this, have been decisive. The visit of the EPP leader Manfred Weber to Rome last week, where he met Giorgia Meloni and Antonio Tajani, which marked the cusp of a mediation work woven by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of Forza Italia, an offshoot of the Italian center-right in the community majority. And then, evidently, the “tail” of the five-year period that is coming to an end, with Ursula von der Leyen and Giorgia Meloni very synergic on some complicated and painful dossiers, such as the war in Ukraine, the fight against illegal immigration through cooperation in Africa, the reaction to disasters.

Fitto vice president with responsibility for the economy. EU, the indiscretion from Germany

The difficulties in the gestation of the new Commission seem to have been overcome. Consequently, the dramatic story that had already established the condemnation for Italy to be marginalized in the role of the Commission and penalized in the dialogue with Brussels also seems to have been denied.

The Welt also provided other coordinates, on the team that will have 26 members (27 minus Germany, which already has the President) and whose announcement should take place by the end of this week. In addition to Raffaele Fitto, there will be three executive vice-presidents: the reconfirmed Valdis Dombrovskis, a Latvian from the People’s Party, who will deal with the reconstruction of Ukraine; the French Thierry Breton, an independent but highly esteemed by Emanuel Macron, also outgoing but staying in the field, who will work on “Industry and strategic autonomy”. the Spanish socialist Teresa Ribera Rodriguez, who would make her debut in the European Executive. Other names revealed by the German newspaper, that of the outgoing Slovak Maros Sefcovic, who will be entrusted with the reduction of bureaucracy, and the current Czech industry minister Josef Sikela who should go to energy.

#Meloni #beats #Ursula #billion #Fitto #weighs #Gentiloni #Tempo
2024-09-06 17:31:39
Here is ​a​ comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Italy’s Rise in the EU: Raffaele Fitto Tipped for Executive Vice-Presidency

The European game is looking ⁤bright for Italy, with a ‌behind-the-scenes story from Germany’s Die Welt revealing that Raffaele Fitto, Italy’s candidate for the European Commission, may be assigned an executive vice-presidency with delegations concerning the economy and‍ the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).

This development marks a significant leap forward for Italy, compared ⁣to the functions of the outgoing Italian commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni, who is



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