Meloni and the right win general elections in Italy with more than 40% according to first polls | International

According to the first exit polls in Italy, the right won the general elections and the door is open for the far-right Giorgia Meloni to be the first woman to come to power.

The right wing coalition formed by Brothers of Italy (FdI), Liga and Forza Italia (FI) is emerging as the winner of the general elections by obtaining between 41 and 45% of the votes, according to the exit poll released at the closing of the schools on RAI public television.

FdI, formation of Giorgia Meloniis the party with the most votes with between 22% and 26%, according to that survey released at the closing of schools, at 11:00 p.m. local time, which represents a meteoric rise compared to the previous elections, in which it obtained 4 ,3%.

While the progressive coalition led by the Democratic Party (PD), of Enrico Lettaachieved between 25.5% and 29.5% and the 5 Star Movement (M5S) becomes the third party in the country with between 13.5% and 17.5%.

Meloni, a 45-year-old far-right might become the first woman to come to power in Italygiven the results also obtained by its two partners in the right-wing coalition: Matteo Salvini’s far-right Liga, which achieved between 8.5% and 12.5%, and Silvio Berlusconi’s conservative FI, with between 6 % and 8%.

Letta’s PD is confirmed as the second party, with between 17% and 21%, ahead of the M5S, which snatches third place from the Salvini League, will be the “third pole”, which brings together the centrists Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, gets between 6.5% and 8.5%.

The YouTrend analyst poll for the private channel SkyTG24 confirms these forecasts, with a victory for the center-right in the Senate with 42.6%, which would be divided between FdI 23.7%, the League 9.8% and FI , 7.9%

The center-left would add 27.8%, with the PD at 20.1%, while the M5S would achieve 16.1%, while Calenda and Renzi would add 7.4%.

Almost 51 million Italians were called to vote on this election day, which began at 07:00 local time and has just ended with the closing of the schools, to elect 600 parliamentarians (400 deputies and 200 senators).



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