Melodies of Renewal: How Muhammad Abdu’s Music Heals the Heart

Arabic language kagana ‘places’ is not a story for lovers but this Saudi Arabia It was an opportunity for renowned singer Muhammad Abdu to return to singing after a break.

Website Billboard According to him, it was a medicine for his heart that brought him out of the state of mourning that had almost ended the Arab artist’s career.

Abdu is known in the Middle East and the Arab world as the ‘Artist of the Arabs’.

The singer has more than 125 music albums to his credit, including the widely acclaimed song ‘Abad’. His musical repertoire includes more than 300 Milli songs which are a testament to his legacy and his influence on Arabic music.

Abdullah was the eldest son of the great painter Muhammad Abdu. When Abdullah died suddenly in a traffic accident, these Arab artists were overwhelmed with grief. This state of depression followed Abdo’s years of retirement, which lasted from 1989 to 1997.

The second break almost ended the career of this Arab artist but the lyrics of the song ‘Maqam’ touched his conscience and inspired him to come out of his grief and resume his artistic activities.

This The song The words of the story are not limited to Muhammad Abdu’s personal life but also to his musician and writer and artist Nawal Al-Kawaiti. According to Nasir al-Saleh, the composer of the song, Nawal gave Al-Saleh a poem by poet Mansour al-Shadi to compose the verses. But later when he started composing the first verse, he felt that this melody was more suitable for Muhammad Abdu’s voice.

Muhammad Abdu first performed the song ‘Maqamat‘ at the Jeddah Festival in 2005 and later released it on his album.

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Years later, Muhammad Abdu says that while he was traveling in an airplane, he found a man, who appeared to be a religious fanatic, stopping him.

Abdu thought that he might have come to advise her to quit singing, but in reality he had come to thank her. He said that his mother had lost her husband and second son and was in a difficult psychological state until she had a stroke, so her doctors advised her to listen to this song constantly to help her cry. Come out of your shock.

In May of this year, Mohamed Abdo announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and was currently undergoing treatment for the disease. In an audio message to music channel Rotana, the 74-year-old singer said that he was undergoing treatment in Paris after being diagnosed with cancer some time ago.

He said in the audio message, ‘I assure you that my health is good, Alhamdulillah.’

He added that ‘radiation treatment side effects other procedures [اور] There are very few injuries. And I take one pill every three months. The preliminary tests are very good, Alhamdulillah. The cancer enzyme was greatly reduced. Therefore I give you good news, Alhamdulillah.’

He has asked his fans to pray for the success of his treatment and recovery.

Today, 19 years later, the song is still quite popular among a large section of Arab fans.

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#famous #Saudi #singer #Muhammad #Abdus #song #cure #grief
2024-09-16 15:15:15

What inspired Muhammad Abdu ⁣to return to singing after his hiatus?

The Power ‍of Music: How⁣ Muhammad Abdu’s “Maqamat” Brought Him Back ⁢to Singing

Muhammad⁤ Abdu, the renowned Saudi Arabian singer, is widely known⁤ as the‍ “Artist of the Arabs” in⁢ the Middle East‍ and the‍ Arab world. With a career spanning over ⁤four decades, Abdu has released more than 125 music albums, including the iconic ​song “Abad”, and has a repertoire of over 300 Milli‍ songs that showcase his legacy and influence⁤ on Arabic music.

However, Abdu’s life was not without⁤ its challenges. The sudden ​loss⁢ of his son Abdullah in a‍ traffic accident ‌in 1989 left him overwhelmed with grief, ⁤leading ⁤to a break from singing that‍ lasted from 1989 to 1997. This period of depression ⁢was a dark ⁤time for ⁣the Arab‌ artist, and it seemed as though his career might have come to an end.

But fate had other plans. The song ⁣”Maqamat”, written by poet Mansour‌ al-Shadi and ⁢composed by Nasir ​al-Saleh, touched Abdu’s conscience and inspired ‌him⁤ to⁣ come out of his grief‌ and resume his artistic activities. The song’s lyrics, which ‌resonated with Abdu’s‍ personal life, ‍were originally meant for another artist, ⁢but ⁤al-Saleh felt that the melody‌ was more suited to Abdu’s ⁢voice.

Abdu ​first​ performed “Maqamat” at the Jeddah Festival in 2005, ​and later released it on his album. The ⁢song became a huge success,⁤ not only for Abdu but also for its writer ‌and composer. The song’s impact went beyond the music ​world, as​ it brought comfort to those who had ⁤lost loved ones and‌ were struggling to cope with⁣ their grief.

Years ⁢later, Abdu‌ shared a ⁢heartwarming incident ‌where he met a man on an airplane who⁢ had been deeply affected by the song. The man ⁤had lost his⁣ mother, and his second son had passed ⁢away, leaving his mother in ​a ‌state of shock. Doctors ⁢advised her‌ to listen to “Maqamat” constantly to help her cry and come out of her shock. The‍ man‌ thanked Abdu⁢ for⁢ the song, which had⁣ brought ‌solace to his family during a ​difficult time.

In recent years,⁢ Abdu has faced another challenge – his⁢ health. In ‌May, he announced ⁤that​ he had been ⁢diagnosed with prostate cancer‍ and was undergoing treatment​ in Paris. Despite the challenges, Abdu remains optimistic, thanking his fans for their prayers⁢ and support.

Through his music, Muhammad Abdu has touched the hearts of millions, inspiring them to hold on​ to hope⁤ even in the darkest of times. His story is a ‌testament to the power of music, which can heal, ‍uplift, and bring people together like nothing else ​can.

Keywords: Muhammad⁢ Abdu, ⁤Maqamat, Arabic music, Saudi Arabia, Artist of the Arabs, Abad, ⁤Milli songs, Jeddah Festival, Nasir ‌al-Saleh, Mansour ​al-Shadi, Nawal Al-Kawaiti, Prostate ⁢cancer.

Meta ⁣Description: Learn about the inspiring story of​ Muhammad Abdu, the renowned Saudi Arabian‍ singer, and how his song “Maqamat” brought him back to singing after a period⁤ of‌ grief and depression.

Header Tags:

‍ H1: The Power of Music: How Muhammad Abdu’s⁣ “Maqamat” Brought⁢ Him Back to Singing

H2: Overcoming Grief and Depression

H2:‌ The ‍Song that Brought Him Back

H2: The Impact of “Maqamat”

‌H2: A Heartwarming Incident

H2: Facing New ⁢Challenges

*⁣ H2: The Power of Music

– How did “Maqamat” help Muhammad Abdu recover from his grief?

The Power of Music: How Muhammad Abdu’s “Maqamat” Brought Him Back to Singing

The Arabic music industry was on the brink of losing one of its brightest stars, Muhammad Abdu, also known as the “Artist of the Arabs.” After a personal tragedy struck, Abdu took a break from singing, leaving his fans heartbroken. However, it was his iconic song “Maqamat” that brought him back to the stage, proving the healing power of music.

A Career Spanning Decades

With over 125 music albums to his credit, Muhammad Abdu is a household name in the Middle East and the Arab world. His musical repertoire boasts more than 300 songs, including the widely acclaimed “Abad.” His legacy and influence on Arabic music are undeniable.

Tragedy Strikes

Abdu’s life took a dramatic turn when his eldest son, Abdullah, died suddenly in a traffic accident. This devastating loss led to a state of depression that lasted for years, causing Abdu to retire from singing from 1989 to 1997.

The Song that Healed

It was “Maqamat,” a song with lyrics that touched Abdu’s conscience, that inspired him to come out of his grief and resume his artistic activities. The song was not just a personal story for Abdu but also for its musician and writer, Nawal Al-Kawaiti. According to Nasir al-Saleh, the composer of the song, Nawal gave him a poem by poet Mansour al-Shadi to compose the verses.

The Power of “Maqamat”

Muhammad Abdu first performed “Maqamat” at the Jeddah Festival in 2005 and later released it on his album. The song became more than just a hit – it was a medicine for Abdu’s heart, helping him to overcome his grief and find solace in music again.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Years later, Abdu shared a touching story about a man who stopped him on an airplane. Instead of advising him to quit singing, the man came to thank him. His mother, who had lost her husband and second son, was in a difficult psychological state until she started listening to “Maqamat” constantly, which helped her cry and come out of her shock.

The Road to Recovery

In May of this year, Muhammad Abdu announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and was undergoing treatment in Paris. In an audio message to music channel Rotana, the 74-year-old singer reassured his fans that his health was good, Alhamdulillah.

The Legacy Lives On

Muhammad Abdu’s story is a testament to the power of music to heal, inspire, and bring people together. His legacy will continue to live on, and his music will remain a source of comfort and solace for generations to come.

Optimized Keywords:

Muhammad Abdu

Arabic music


Saudi Arabia


Arabic language

Music therapy

Grief and loss

Healing power of music

Meta Description:

Discover the inspiring story of Muhammad Abdu, the “Artist of the Arabs,” and how his song “Maqamat” brought him back to singing after a personal tragedy. Learn about the power of music to heal and inspire.

Header Tags:

H1: The Power of Music: How Muhammad Abdu’s “Maqamat” Brought Him Back to Singing




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