Melissa Walls | Rodrigo González attacks dancer Anthony Aranda: “For her it’s a great match, but it’s an eyesore” entertainment | SHOWS

THEY DO NOT APPROVE IT. Rodrigo González and Gigi Miter returned to their program ‘Amor y Fuego’ recharged following some people from their production tested positive for Covid-19. The hosts began their magazine questioning ya your

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After several months of hiding, the model and the ‘activator kitty’ are already showing off together on Instagram and TikTok. Both shout their love from the rooftops and this has earned him criticism from many in entertainment.

In this regard, Rodrigo González had strong comments once morest Anthony Aranda. According to ‘peluchín’, the dancer has always sought to make himself known and enter the world of Chollywood, for which he took advantage of Melissa Paredes’ crisis with ‘Gato’ Cuba.

Rodrigo González attacks Melissa Paredes and dancer: “For her it’s a great game, but it’s an eyesore.” Video: Willax TV

Taking advantage of this moment that he has been wanting to have for a long time, he wants to be the star of the party, he tried it with other dancers from the Farisela show and he did not deny it. There was the bored of her marriage and almost divorced, Melissa “, he stressed.

In that line, he called the dancer an “obsessive” and pointed out that the model, at least, is being consistent with the ampay that came to light months ago.

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They are already having a life as a couple, it is supposed to be consistent because she said that she had been in love with him and that she told Rodrigo ‘I am suddenly falling in love with this great match that I have ahead’, which for her is this eyesore”, sentenced.


For her part, Gigi Miter questioned the affairs that Melissa Paredes is having and, because the only one affected is her little daughter. As he stressed, the minor must have a mental mess of seeing his parents with different partners.

“That thing regarding being in love, I would grab him with tweezers because as soon as he met him, the topic of the truck (ampay) happened. After everything she’s been through, she can’t say she’s not in love. I would let time speak for itself. I think they are in love with having a story, they take advantage of that”, Held.



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