Melissa Klug patches TikToker George Rubín: “I have bought almost all my things in stores in France” | entertainment | SHOWS

Melissa Klug he said he might invite the ‘tiktoker’ George Rubin so that he knows his ‘walking closet’ and sees that the brands he uses (in handbags and shoes) are original and not ‘fake’, as he stated in the Magaly Medina program.

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I understand that this is a known formula, talking regarding me to have some kind of media bounce. At first it bothered me, but I’ve learned that this is also the cost of being a character in the middle. The same press countless times has highlighted my taste for European brands, especially because I have bought almost all my things in stores in France and it’s in my highlights. Before the pandemic, I traveled to Miami and Europe where the latest Louis Vuitton collections are, I think this ‘blogger’ does not know. It’s not my fault that I only know the clothes from photos and I’m not up to date on the European trend“, accurate .

Why do you think your clothes are ‘fake’?

I have the photos and the invoices of the things that I buy, anyway. But if speaking ill of me and my daughters (because of Samahara) makes him famous, good for him, I give him ‘follower’.

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Maybe you can give him one of your brand sneakers…

I can gladly invite you to my ‘walking closet’ and show you European trends whenever you want.


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