Melagieņi TOP-4: Artificial intelligence was threatening with images of Ukraine, and did not offer to turn soldiers with fertilizers

Tricked by artificial intelligence

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, entire cities have been razed to the ground. In order to show the world the painful losses and the horrors of war, more than one artistic project was created. Among them is a series of images generated by the recently extremely popular AI program, which was even shared by the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN. However, extremely realistic montages have already misled many Internet users.

In the series, which has become very popular on the Internet, there are 7 works generated by an artificial intelligence program, which depict people sitting against the background of ruined buildings in Ukraine.

Instagram photo/Images generated by artificial intelligence on the topic of the Ukrainian war

Instagram photo/Images generated by artificial intelligence on the topic of the Ukrainian war

On Facebook with these images managed to share and one of the main Ukrainian news agencies, UNIAN, but the post does not mention that these are not real photographs.

In fact, these are not photos – Daniel Yaburov, named as the author of the project, does not hide this. He just shared with some images of the project on his Instagram account.

For the first time images have been published on the account “ze_nuz” of this social network.

“It will soon be two years since the Russian invasion and the start of the war in Ukraine. The people of Ukraine relentlessly continue to fight for their homeland and continue to live their daily lives.

Also read: The images of the destroyed Ukraine are heart-wrenching, but they were generated by artificial intelligence

These AI images capture the intimate moments of families who didn’t give up their daily breakfast even though their homes in Ukraine were heavily destroyed.

AI generated project”, – published in the description.

In the account information, the creator emphasizes that his goal is to raise awareness with the help of AI.

It was not suggested to turn the dead into fertilizers

A video allegedly shown by Ukrainian television is circulating on social networks, in which it is said that dead soldiers are offered to be buried in special decomposing bags so that their bodies will eventually turn into fertilizer. But 1+1 television, whose logo can be seen on the screen, did not show such a plot.

This video was recently shared by a Facebook user from Lithuania. “One Ukrainian channel aired a story that suggested burying the dead soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in special biodegradable bags, so that the area would later become fertile land, parks and public gardens,” – explained a woman

The video was published and in some Russian on Telegram channels.

Screenshot from Facebook/The report on the proposal of ecologists to bury dead soldiers in such a way that their bodies eventually turn into fertilizer for the soil was not

Screenshot from Facebook/The report on the proposal of ecologists to bury dead soldiers in such a way that their bodies eventually turn into fertilizer for the soil was not

The post shows the popular television channels of this country „1+1“ sign, the word “marathon”, so it should be understood that the plot was broadcast during a television marathon, which began to be shown frequently in Ukraine during the war.

Also read: Did Ukrainian ecologists really offer to bury dead soldiers in decomposing bags?

However, “1+1” did not show anything like that – the recording of the Combating Disinformation Center as soon as it began to spread on the Internet, evaluated as false information.

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, the fact that the plot is a fake can also be understood from the fact that it contains grammatical errors typical of the Russian vocabulary,” the experts noted.

The purpose of such forgeries is to show exaggerated losses on the Ukrainian side in order to demoralize the army and slow down mobilization measures in Ukraine.

On the Internet there is no neither other television reports nor other credible media accounts of such a suggestion by environmentalists or reactions to it as a real possibility.

The president was not painted either in Berlin or Paris

“Anti-Ukrainian graffiti” is said to have appeared in Berlin, depicting the Ukrainian president as a cannibal eating his own countrymen. Deutsche Welle (DW), one of the largest German media outlets, has also been accused of distributing this video. A little later, the drawing supposedly “moved” to Paris.

Image of graffiti allegedly painted on a building in Berlin began to spread on the Internet a few weeks ago. It shows a man who looks like V. Zelenskiy, with his mouth wide open, ostensibly stabbing the hand of a Ukrainian soldier still holding a machine gun. The sides are emblazoned with the inscription “Kannibale”.

Screenshot / In Berlin and Paris, graffiti mocking V. Zelensky allegedly appeared

Screenshot / In Berlin and Paris, graffiti mocking V. Zelensky allegedly appeared

An almost identical drawing, only depicting the same person “devouring” a soldier’s leg, and the inscription “Cannibale” allegedly appeared in the French capital as well.

Also read: V. Zelensky’s graffiti did not appear either in Berlin or Paris: buildings are decorated with low-quality fakes

Some sources portray that the information about these graffiti is allegedly distributed by the news portal “Deutsche Welle” in order to create the impression of reliable information. However, this newsroom has never published such a message.

September 14 even several Russian propaganda outlets published a screenshot of an article allegedly from the German publication Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

On one of the houses in Berlin graffiti allegedly appeareddepicting V. Zelensky, who “eats” the severed hand of a soldier.

September 13 posted on X (Twitter) in the user recordin addition to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Deutsche Welle account’s Instagram story (eng. story) screenshot.

Fact checkers from Reuters datathe building is actually not in Berlin, but in the center of Warsaw, the capital of Poland, at Ignacy Potocki N4. Also, the building has a Polish flag, not a German one.

Visual manipulations aimed at discrediting the President of Ukraine have been actively spread before. It has been repeatedly claimed that graffiti mocking V. Zelensky appeared on the streets of Paris, Madrid, and New York.

Also read: False graffiti travels around the world: first it was in Poland, now it “appeared” in Madrid

Also read: Volodymyr Zelenskyi continues to be mocked, but he was not caricatured in Brussels

Also read: Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s caricature is back in Madrid, but it’s really gone again

Also read: Will Volodymyr Zelensky continue to be “mocked” in various cities? No, mocking is only done online

Armenian Prime Minister – next to George Soros?

After the escalation of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh, on social networks began to distribute the photoin which the latter’s Prime Minister N. Pašinian and US philanthropist George Soros are immortalized. It is not authentic – in the original shot from 2019, the then Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, is standing next to the billionaire.

Screenshot from Facebook/This is an altered photo - next to George Soros is not Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, but North Macedonian politician Zoran Zaev

Screenshot from Facebook/This is an altered photo – next to George Soros is not Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, but North Macedonian politician Zoran Zaev

This photo has received a lot of attention not only in Lithuania and not only now. It is on various social networks and web pages (Azerbaijan, Armenia, of Russia, Sakartwello) is shared at least from the 2020s.

A reverse image search can find not only dozens of publications of this shot, but also almost identical photographwhere next to G. Soros is not an Armenian politician at all, but the former prime minister of North Macedonia, Z. Zaev.

Also read: Nikol Pashinyan – in one shot with George and Soros: when did they manage to meet?

There was a photo done in 2019 on January 24, when the politician met the philanthropist at the World Economic Forum held in the Swiss resort of Davos.

At that time, in messages published in various countries (in North Macedonia, KOSOVO, in Greece) it was indicated that Z. Zaev and G. Soros discussed ideas on how to activate cooperation between the government and public funds.

One portal of Armenia according toG. Soros had expressed his desire to meet with the Prime Minister of Armenia, but the latter did not find time for it. It seems that they have not met face to face. Because when you type their names into a Google search, the first thing that comes up is this altered photo, more photos that show them there is no.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#Melagieņi #TOP4 #Artificial #intelligence #threatening #images #Ukraine #offer #turn #soldiers #fertilizers



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