From Kansas City to Meissen
The Freie Werkschule in Meißen has had a young employee from the USA since September: Eleanor Wegener, 22 years old. Function: school assistant.
By Andre Schramm
6 Min.
Meissen. Eleanor Wegener stands in the hallway of the Freie Werkschule and greets us in German. In perfect, accent-free German. How does that work? The young woman explains that she has trained herself off this rolling in the typical Ami accent. She laughs. Her last name also sounds familiar. “Yes, my ancestors were German,” she says. Eleanor is actually at home in the American Midwest, more precisely in Kansas City. In the part of town that is in the state of Missouri. Home is a broad term for the young student. At the moment it is the Pieschen district of Dresden and the Freie Werkschule – at least for twelve hours a week.
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