“Young people who are more productive and full of ambition and energy can achieve performances in the service of themselves and their country”, underlined the Minister in a speech at the opening of the constitutive session of the Forum of the Chamber of Moroccan Youth Advisors, organized on the theme “What regional territorial policy for youth? “.
“If youth are marginalized, the consequences of this neglect will be severe and socio-economically dangerous,” he noted, underscoring the need for a new vision of young people’s ability to innovation to meet modern challenges.
The Minister highlighted the particular attention given by the King to youth as well as the Sovereign’s speeches which constitute a roadmap for the government’s action, not forgetting the conclusions relating to the new development model.
The government program, in its social component, has begun to bear fruit with the launch of several economic projects for young people such as Awrach and Forsa, he said, highlighting a number of projects aimed at promoting the youth through the development of youth centres, in terms of infrastructure and management methods.
The Minister also mentioned the great importance given by his department to the fields of Gaming and Coding, in view of the enormous job opportunities they offer to this social category.
The ministry’s action also aims to make cultural centers incubators for the development of young talents in the various artistic fields, said the minister, adding that the upgrading of these structures will strengthen cultural industries and create new job opportunities capable of promoting and fostering cultural effervescence in the different regions of the Kingdom.
The House of Councilors seeks through this forum, which has the participation of more than 300 young Moroccans under the age of 30, representing various political, trade union and association bodies in the different regions of the Kingdom, to improve the governance of economic programs and projects and related to youth in its regional dimension and its territorial extension and to broaden the institutional framework to strengthen the democratic participation of young people at central and territorial levels.
It also aims to promote dialogue between young people, public authorities and local authorities, on the one hand, and governance institutions, on the other, and to integrate the aspirations and expectations of young people into the agendas of the centers decision-making at the territorial level.