Meghan Markle sued for lies by her half-sister

Voilà Meghan Markle again under the fire of the attacks. The salvo this time comes from his half-sister Samantha, whom his father Thomas had from a first marriage before starting a new life with Doria Ragland, the mother of the Duchess of Sussex. Samantha Markle, 57, is suing her half-sister for defamation in court, accusing her of lying several times about their complicated relationship.

She relies in particular on the famous interview given last year to Oprah Winfrey where Meghan would have made several “false and malicious statements”, according to the complaint seen by the Page Six media. The Duchess had claimed to have grown up alone, as “an only child”, which Samantha refutes by explaining that she had spent time with her and even shared the same house for a time. Samantha Markle also can’t stand being presented as a venal woman who would have built a “lucrative career by selling false stories to the tabloids and televisions”.

Miserable story

She also resents Meghan for denigrating her father, in a bid to sell a miserable “false narrative” of his life. She accuses him of having said that she had been forced to work from the age of 13 in poorly paid jobs to “make ends meet” when their father offered her studies in expensive private schools. And accuses her of having presented a false version of the absence of Thomas Markle at the wedding in May 2018, suggesting that she had been abandoned. “Mr Markle suffered two heart attacks in the weeks leading up to the royal wedding, due to stress, constant stalking and harassment from the paparazzi and the media, and the upsetting text messages he received from Meghan and Harry, possibly we read on the complaint unveiled by Page Six. Mr Markle did not refuse to attend the wedding, but his doctor asked him not to go. »

The latest attacks concern the book Finding Freedomthe biography written with the collaboration of the Sussexes, released two years ago, which presents a lonely couple, abandoned and under pressure: “a tissue of lies” for Samantha Markle, decidedly very upset, who claims no less than 75,000 dollars damage, and reimbursement of legal costs.

A lawsuit between Meghan and her family has been brewing for a long time – her father Thomas Markle regularly threatens to try to restore his truths and see his grandchildren. It must be said that Meghan has completely cut ties with her clan since she has been dating Prince Harry, with the exception of her mother Doria, who was also present at her wedding. Since then, the excluded have not hesitated to speak, to monetize interviews or books, like Samantha, who published last year The Diary of the Arrogant Princess’s Sister, revealing the passage behind the scenes “of the royal fairy tale”. The lawsuit she is filing today is a continuation of the small business she set up on the back of her half-sister. Meghan’s lawyer quickly tried to defuse the case on TMZ by evoking “an absurd and unfounded complaint”. Still, Meghan would have done well without a family trial today.

READ ALSONew trial in sight for Meghan Markle

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