MEF Invests More than ₲12.4 Billion to Strengthen Paraguay’s Volunteer Fire Services

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) reported that ₲ 12,445,865,292 of the ₲ 18,762,611,000 budgeted for 2024 have been transferred to the various Volunteer Fire Departments of Paraguay.

As of yesterday, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the transfers of contributions for the year 2024 to the Volunteer Firefighters Corps of Paraguay (CBVP-Amarillos) could not be made, because the Accountability Report for the last contribution of the Fiscal Year 2023 was the subject of repeated observations by the economic portfolio, finally requiring the return of the sum of ₲ 223,105,592, which was fulfilled on August 28, 2024.

Yesterday, September 10, 2024, the organization submitted the “Quantitative and Qualitative Report on Resource Management” (Form B-01-04), corresponding to the second half of 2023. This document had to be submitted, according to current regulations, no later than 30 business days after the end of said semester.

Compliance with these obligations allowed the process for the transfer of resources to be initiated and completed on September 10, 2024; therefore, the Volunteer Fire Department of Paraguay (CBVP-Amarillos) received yesterday the sum of ₲6,754,539,960, corresponding to the months of January to September 2024.

The documentation required by the regulations governing transfers under the concept of “Contributions to Non-Profit Institutions” is essential to guarantee transparency and compliance with legal requirements in the allocation of public resources.

The Ministry of Economy highlights that the other firefighting organizations included in the 2024 Budget Law, which complied with the necessary procedures previously, already received their respective contributions between the months of July and August of this year.

The submitted accounts, as well as the observations, are available at next link.

#MEF #transferred #billion #Volunteer #Fire #Departments #Paraguay
2024-09-13 09:09:08

**PAA Related Questions​ for “Forest Firefighting in ​Paraguay: Efforts and Challenges”**

Forest Firefighting in Paraguay: Efforts and Challenges

Paraguay, a⁣ country ‌located in the heart of South America, is prone to forest fires that can have devastating effects on its ecosystem and wildlife. Forest ⁤fires‌ are a recurring issue in ⁣Paraguay, and the government, along with‍ volunteer firefighters, have been⁣ working towards mitigating this problem.

Volunteer Firefighters’ Efforts

The⁤ Volunteer Firefighters Corps​ of Paraguay (CBVP-Amarillos) is composed⁢ of over 100 quarters nationwide, involving more than 7,000 volunteers [[3]]. These​ brave individuals have been working tirelessly to combat forest fires, often risking their⁤ lives to save the ‌forests and wildlife of Paraguay.

In​ recent times, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has allocated a significant budget ⁤to support the efforts of volunteer firefighters. As of September 10, 2024, the MEF has ‍transferred ₲ 12,445,865,292 out of the budgeted ₲ 18,762,611,000 for 2024 to the various volunteer fire departments of Paraguay .

International Support

Paraguay has also received international support in its efforts to⁢ combat ⁢forest fires. In 2021, the International Firefighters’ Association (IFRA)‌ delivered its 100th donation to the firefighters in Paraguay, which included a ‍fully equipped fire engine with all firefighting equipment, including a breathing apparatus and hydraulic rescue equipment [[2]].

Challenges Faced

Despite the efforts of volunteer firefighters and international support, forest fires remain a significant challenge in Paraguay. ⁢In 2024, the transfer ⁤of contributions​ to the Volunteer Firefighters Corps of Paraguay was delayed due to the Accountability Report⁤ for the last contribution of the Fiscal Year 2023, which was ‍subject to repeated observations by the economic portfolio . The organization had to⁤ return the sum of⁤ ₲ 223,105,592, which was ‍fulfilled on August 28, 2024.

Prevention and Preparedness

The Paraguayan government has been taking measures to prevent and ‍prepare for forest fires. ​Volunteer firefighters ​have been quartered since Sunday and are fully available to ​their regional bases, ready to​ respond to any forest‍ fire emergency [[1]].

forest‌ firefighting in Paraguay is a crucial effort that requires the collective efforts of volunteer firefighters, international⁤ organizations, and the government. While⁣ challenges‌ persist, the efforts to combat forest fires are ​essential to protecting Paraguay’s ecosystem and wildlife.





Here are PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **Paraguay’s Volunteer Fire Departments Receive Budget Allocation for 2024**:

Paraguay’s Volunteer Fire Departments Receive Budget Allocation for 2024

In a recent development, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of Paraguay has reported that a significant amount of ₲ 12,445,865,292 has been transferred to the various Volunteer Fire Departments of Paraguay, as part of the approved budget for 2024. This allocation accounts for a substantial portion of the total budgeted amount of ₲ 18,762,611,000 for the year [[5]].

The transfer of funds was made possible after the Volunteer Firefighters Corps of Paraguay (CBVP-Amarillos) submitted the required “Quantitative and Qualitative Report on Resource Management” (Form B-01-04) for the second half of 2023. This document was submitted on September 10, 2024, after the Accountability Report for the last contribution of the Fiscal Year 2023 was cleared by the economic portfolio [[5]].

The allocation of funds to the Volunteer Fire Departments is crucial for their operations, as they rely heavily on these contributions to carry out their duties. In fact, one of the fire departments that received donated gear from GlobalFire in 2019 had an annual budget that barely covered operating expenses such as fuel [[3]].

The government’s budget allocation for 2024 is in line with the objective of reducing the fiscal deficit to 2.3 percent of GDP, as approved by the central government [[1]]. Furthermore, according to Trading Economics’ global macro models and analysts, Paraguay’s government budget is expected to reach -3.50 percent of GDP by the end of 2024 [[2]].

The documentation required for the transfer of resources under the concept of “Contributions to Non-Profit Institutions” is essential to ensure transparency and compliance with legal requirements in the allocation of public resources. The Ministry of Economy and Finance’s efforts to ensure timely and transparent allocation of funds to the Volunteer Fire Departments are crucial for their operations and ultimately, for the safety and well-being of the people of Paraguay.

the allocation of a significant amount of funds to the Volunteer Fire Departments of Paraguay is a positive step towards ensuring the effective functioning of these essential services. The government’s commitment to reducing the fiscal deficit while allocating resources to critical services is a testament to its commitment to the well-being of its citizens.





Note: The article is optimized for SEO with relevant keywords and phrases, including “Paraguay’s Volunteer Fire Departments”, “Budget Allocation”, “Government Budget”, “Fiscal Deficit”, and “Volunteer Firefighters Corps of Paraguay”.



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