Meeting of Minister Antonio Tajani with the Speaker of the House of Representatives …

The Vice President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Hon. Antonio Tajani, met today with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, at the Farnesina.

Friendship with the United States of America and the transatlantic relationship represent, together with Europe, the pillars of the Government’s foreign policy”declared the Vice President of the Council, highlighting the particularly intense and positive phase of relations between Italy and the USA, both in political and economic-commercial terms.

Tajani and Johnson addressed the main issues of international current affairs. With reference to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Foreign Minister reiterated the “firm multidimensional support to Kiev and the need to continue to put pressure on Moscow for a just peace based on international law”. As for the crisis in the Middle East, he expressed the “full support of the Italian Government to the US mediation efforts, both for Gaza and Lebanon”, stressing the importance of coordination with Allies and regional actors.

The meeting also focused on the Red Sea issue, the issue of migration, the stability of the Indo-Pacific and dialogue with China and the consolidation of peace and growth in African countries.

In conclusion, Tajani expressed “gratitude for the fundamental support of the United States for the success of the Italian Presidency of the G7”, hoping for a further strengthening of the group as “coordination mechanism of large liberal democracies and stability factor to respond to global crises”.



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