Meeting Morocco’s Oil and Cake Needs: Foléa’s Sustainable Agriculture Solutions

2023-07-04 12:58:45

Morocco’s needs in oil and cakes amount annually to nearly 8 billion dirhams. To guarantee them, if only in part, Foléa works with farmers to increase the areas of oilseed crops, in particular sunflower and rapeseed, and to improve the yields of cereal crops, while by eliminating fallow periods in the Casablanca-Settat region. This was precisely the subject of an awareness day organized recently by the federation and the Regional Directorate of Agriculture of Casablanca-Settat in the province of Benslimane. The opportunity to present to farmers the economic, agronomic and environmental advantages of growing sunflower.

The oilseed crop is a very good rotation head for cereals, in addition to legumes, and shows resilience in the face of water scarcity. Especially since the price guaranteed by the State of 6,000 DH/t allows the development of profitable production for the agricultural world. La Foléa also provides farmers with high-quality seeds, equipment (seeders, harvesters, etc.) and technical support throughout the cultivation process.

It should be remembered that under the “Green Generation” oilseed program contract, farmers benefit from secure and profitable commercial outlets for their harvests, as well as a 40% subsidy on the price of the selected seed. In addition, the aggregation within Foléa allows farmers to benefit from additional advantages, such as subsidies for the acquisition of modern and efficient agricultural equipment, as well as incentives for the equipment of efficient irrigation systems. .

The objective of Foléa is to manage to cover, in the long term, up to 15% of Moroccan oil consumption.

#Oil #crops #amounts #billion #dirhams #annually



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