Meet the bookshelf wealth

2024-01-08 13:37:18

Photos that don’t exactly fit the trend, which is heavier, but I let my taste decide. They are here and there

A new trend is driving Tiktok crazy, and by “new” I mean nothing new at all, that’s how it is: on Tiktok you have to be crazy about something, so you have no choice but to give new names to old things. And this time: the bookshelf wealth, a luxury trend from the bookshelves (the translation is not exact, because we are talking about wealth-from-bookshelves, but we are already used to the word “luxury” in trend descriptions).
What is the luxury trend of book shelves?
Well, as the name suggests it must include books. Real books displayed on shelves. This is the beautiful hour for those who did not heed Marie Kondo’s advice and threw the physical books out of the house.
But it’s not just books that are placed there for display, says Kaylee Baloch, the designer from San Diego whose TikTok video is responsible for the new/old phenomenon: “These are books that the people at home have collected and read.” yes friends These are books that have been read! These are books that were placed there with love. In other words: here’s another case where you find out that your life is now trending on TikTok.

By the way, it doesn’t end in books
Anyone who wants to take part in what has just been identified as a “trend” (“Is the book luxury trend the new cottagecore?” wonders the title on the website house beautiful) will also have to collect works of art, which she will hang and place in the space in an almost intuitive way: they will be placed on surfaces Horizontally, including the floor, they will hang on the walls but not neatly or even aligned. Every now and then you will have to go through and make sure that at least one picture is hanging crookedly. The vibe you want to achieve: it’s a house you live in, not a house you photograph for design magazines. It’s a house where the design happens by itself while you live.

We have reached the difficult part: the infrastructure
Pay respect to the original woodwork of your house, they say. Something we have difficulty doing when we live in contractor apartments. How can we compensate for the default? using sofas, armchairs and comfortable chairs. Ones that can be read when you cuddle them.

One can only wonder Why now? Well, in the articles I’ve read (skimming) that deal with the subject, they talk about a reaction to minimalism, but I offer another interpretation: it’s a reaction to a long period of existential gaslighting.
Books represent information (and not just information, edited information) and more importantly: they represent compassion. Two things we need right now.
It’s not by chance that books, when they disdain the props standard, are used in cinema as another way to make us like characters.

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Proof by example:

Above: Meg Ryan’s character’s home library in Nora Ephron’s Got a Message.
Below: The library in the study/studio of Jack Black’s character in Nancy Myers’ The Vacation.

Personal adaptation: the low price of the library
(You can omit the word “luxury”, we are not on Tiktok and the library is from IKEA)

I have part of the library at home. Photo: Tamar Green. This is a picture from five years ago, since then we changed a table and made a lot of mess

The advantages of the low library:
1. It helps to create a feeling of a high ceiling. or at least higher.
2. You can put pictures and other things that give character on it. Which may very quickly become a disadvantage since it is known that empty horizontal surfaces cause a mess.
3. All the books are easy to reach (and easy to clean, too). On the other hand, guests who want to pull out a random book from the library (which can quickly degenerate into a situation where they want to take that book with them and never return it) will have to make the effort and bend over.

A tip for life
One of the responses to Baloch’s book prestige video reads:
It’s a style that to achieve it you have to stop thinking about style and start developing taste.

Another thing that can contribute to this aesthetic (it’s not an aesthetic, it’s a lifestyle) is a turntable with real records that you can listen to on the carpet and forget where you are and how much time has passed (it doesn’t work the same with Spotify).

Looking like the spring
Like the winter
And the morning

#Meet #bookshelf #wealth

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