Medvedev stated that the coming to power of the SVO members is the call of the times

Participants of the Special Military Operations have received a certain amount of knowledge in the combat zone, Medvedev said Photo:

The rise to power of the participants in the special operations is a necessity of the times. This was expressed by the chairman of United Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, during a meeting with the SVO fighters participating in the Single Voting Day of 2024.

“The emergence of individuals currently engaged in the crucial and challenging work in Russia is a reflection of the times,” Medvedev stated. The meeting was streamed on United Russia’s official page on the social network VKontakte.

The party leader acknowledged the experience of the SVO participants, who have served their country under severe and life-threatening conditions, highlighting the considerable knowledge they have gleaned both through practical experience in the special operation zone and their training. He also mentioned that the fighters would receive the necessary additional education and training courses. The meetings with SVO participants are part of a personnel rotation aimed at appointing individuals with specialized skills to leadership roles, Medvedev concluded.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has affirmed that the true elite of Russia consists of warriors and workers, rather than those who gained wealth in the prosperous years stemming from the economy of the 1990s. In light of this, a new personnel initiative, “Time of Heroes,” has been launched for SVO participants. According to the president, individuals who demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of others should be given priority in public administration and state corporations. Putin stressed the importance of establishing a system that promotes genuinely capable individuals, recognizing that many true heroes tend to be humble by nature.


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The rise to power of the special operations participants is a necessity of the times. This was expressed by the Chairman of United Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, during a meeting with the SVO fighters participating in the Single Voting Day of 2024. “The emergence of individuals currently engaged in the crucial and challenging work in Russia is a reflection of the times,” Medvedev stated. The meeting was streamed on United Russia’s official page on the social network VKontakte. The party leader acknowledged the experience of the SVO participants, who have served their country under severe and life-threatening conditions, highlighting the considerable knowledge they have gleaned both through practical experience in the special operation zone and their training. He also mentioned that the fighters would receive the necessary additional education and training courses. The meetings with SVO participants are part of a personnel rotation aimed at appointing individuals with specialized skills to leadership roles, Medvedev concluded. Russian President Vladimir Putin has affirmed that the true elite of Russia consists of warriors and workers, rather than those who gained wealth in the prosperous years stemming from the economy of the 1990s. In light of this, a new personnel initiative, “Time of Heroes,” has been launched for SVO participants. According to the president, individuals who demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of others should be given priority in public administration and state corporations. Putin stressed the importance of establishing a system that promotes genuinely capable individuals, recognizing that many true heroes tend to be humble by nature.

Participants of the Special Military Operations have received a certain amount of knowledge in the combat zone, Medvedev said

Participants of the Special Military Operations have received a certain amount of knowledge in the combat zone, Medvedev said

Empowering Military Heroes: A Call to Leadership in Russia

The Shift in Power Dynamics

The recent discourse surrounding the Special Military Operations (SVO) has sparked significant conversations about leadership within Russian society. Dmitry Medvedev, the Chairman of United Russia, emphasized during a meeting with SVO participants that their rise to power is not just advantageous but necessary. Medvedev stated, “The accession to power of people who are currently participating in the most important and difficult work in Russia is a requirement of the times.” This statement encapsulates the sentiment that those who have truly served the country are best suited to lead it.

Experience Gained in Combat Zones

The participants of the SVO possess invaluable experiences from their time in combat zones, having faced life-threatening situations and performed their duties under extreme conditions. Medvedev highlighted that the knowledge gained during these operations is significant not just for military strategy but also for governance.

Key Learnings from the Field

  • Leadership Under Pressure: SVO participants have demonstrated the ability to lead teams in high-stress environments.
  • Strategic Decision Making: Combat experience sharpens decision-making skills, which can translate to more effective governance.
  • Team Cohesion: They understand the importance of teamwork and collective effort, essential attributes in political and public service.

Investment in Education and Skill Development

In acknowledgment of their service, the Russian government plans to provide SVO fighters with additional education and professional courses. This initiative aims to equip them with the necessary skills to transition into leadership roles effectively. Medvedev noted, “Meetings with the SVO participants are part of the personnel rotation for the appointment of people with special skills to leadership positions.” This approach represents a comprehensive strategy for integrating military experience into the civilian governance framework.

Future Training Opportunities

The government is keen to ensure that these veterans are not just warriors but also influential players in public administration. Training programs being developed include:

  • Leadership Development Workshops: Focused on enhancing the leadership skills of military personnel for public sector challenges.
  • Public Administration Courses: A curriculum designed to bridge military and civil governance knowledge.
  • Networking Events: Opportunities for SVO participants to connect with current leaders and policy-makers.

Changing the Narrative of Elite in Russia

President Vladimir Putin has also recently weighed in on the perception of societal elites. His remarks that the true elite consists of warriors and sincere workers rather than wealthy financiers reflect a significant shift in societal values. This perspective aligns with the intention behind the newly launched “Time of Heroes” program dedicated to recognizing the contributions of those involved in the SVO.

Core Principles of the “Time of Heroes” Initiative

  1. Recognition and Honor: Acknowledging the sacrifices made by service members.
  2. Promotion within Governance: Ensuring that capable military personnel are considered for key roles in public service.
  3. Encouraging Altruism: Highlighting the importance of selflessness and commitment to the community.

Implications for Russia’s Future Leadership

The call for military personnel to step into leadership roles is more than just a trend; it signifies a reassessment of values within Russian society. As the government prepares to integrate SVO participants into leadership positions, several potential benefits are anticipated:

Influence on Policy and Governance

The infusion of military experience into civilian governance can lead to:

  • Resilience in Policy-Making: Understanding the challenges faced by the military can inform more pragmatic and resilient policies.
  • Collaboration Between Sectors: Enhanced cooperation between military and civilian sectors can streamline processes and improve outcomes.
  • Civic Engagement: Veterans in leadership positions may foster greater civic engagement by serving as role models.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

Learning from Other Nations

Similar trends can be observed globally where military leaders transition into political roles, bringing unique perspectives to governance. Countries like Israel and the United States have successfully integrated military leaders into political frameworks, resulting in:

  • Informed Defense Policies: Military backgrounds lead to comprehensive understanding of security needs.
  • Strategic International Relations: Improved relations with other countries through credible military leadership.

Success Stories of Veterans in Governance

Profiles of successful veterans turned political leaders illustrate the potential of this initiative:

Name Country Position Military Background
Ehud Barak Israel Prime Minister Former Chief of General Staff
Colin Powell USA Secretary of State Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
George Pataki USA Governor of New York Served in the Air National Guard


The dialog surrounding SVO participants stepping into leadership roles symbolizes a new chapter for Russia. By prioritizing military experience and values of sacrifice and dedication, the country may pave the way for a governance model that truly reflects the collective strength and resilience of its people. This evolving narrative not only enhances the prospects for capable governance but also inspires a society to recognize and honor the contributions of those who serve.



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