Medina Zein Called Wrong Use of Raffi Ahmad’s ID card, this is what the attorney said

Jakarta, Insertlive

Medina Zein is becoming a public conversation following it was revealed that he had cheated on Uya Kuya and Denise Chariesta. Even Medina Zein is said to have misused Raffi Ahmad’s ID card to carry out his actions in deceiving the victims.

It is known that someone has transferred funds of Rp 500 million because the ex-wife of Lukman Azhari uses the name Raffi Ahmad. Razman Arif Nasution as Medina Zein’s attorney finally opened his voice regarding the issue that hit his client.

“So for Raffi Ahmad, I got information that he said there was a transfer that he said was for Raffi Ahmad’s program or endorsement. Then the money didn’t arrive, I asked for it later for us to study,” said Razman Nasution when met in the Jagakarsa area, Jakarta South.

Razman Arif Nasution hopes to sit down with Uya Kuya and Raffi Ahmad to discuss the Medina Zein case. Razman Arif hopes that the problem can be resolved amicably, especially now that Medina Zein is sick.

“It would be wonderful if Uya Kuya, Raffi Ahmad might communicate with me. We sat together, ‘Bang this is the problem,’ let me go there. This was even yesterday Dedes, the manager Medi was afraid to call me in the middle of the night. does anyone want to come from Uya Kuya’s TV, what’s his business with me? I’m just the manager Bang.’ Medi is sick, this one is also depressed, this child will soon be sick,” said Razman Arif.

“So I thought, please, let’s put humanity first, how much for Uya Kuya Rp. 65 million? How much for a Raffi Ahmad who was once friends (with Medina) following all he also knew regarding Medi’s money first. But I also understand that they are angry because they feel lied to,” he continued.

Razman Arif hoped that Uya Kuya and Raffi Ahmad would understand the condition of Medina Zein, who might not have been conscious at that time.

“The question is, when it is done or carried out, is Medi conscious or not? That was earlier, but I didn’t say everything would be resolved, but according to investors and Medi told me, God willing, if she is healthy, everything will be resolved,” said Razman.

“But I can’t guarantee that this responsibility is paid or not because it’s an obligation from Medina. Only me as a legal representative, I conveyed that an investor spoke to me, his family and his mother and then I also used the funds myself,” he continued.

Regarding Medina Zein’s current condition, Razman Arif asked for prayers so that his client might get well soon and be able to solve his problems.

“That’s why I want to make sure that if he turns out to be sick, I ask for his prayers so that he will recover and he will resolve this issue. If it turns out that he is not recovering, I can’t do anything,” he concluded.


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