Medicine university area in Veracruz is a risk for women: Green Beehive

lack of illumination and the street harassment have made the university area which is located next to the Veracruz High Specialty Hospitala risk zone for studentshe pointed Nancy Torres Castaneda, spokeswoman for the Green Beehive Collective.

With the return to classes, harassment in university areas reappears, recently students of the Veracruzana University (UV) have reported to the collective cases of street harassment on the outskirts of the Faculty of Medicine, which is located on Agustín de Iturbide street, between Carmen Serdán and 20 de Noviembre.

“Girls who went to take their exam in that area and right now are already taking classes and have been intimidated or attacked, especially due to harassment,” he revealed.

Nancy Torres Castaneda, spokeswoman for the Green Beehive Collective. Photo: Myriam Serrano | GULF IMAGE

In this area are located, in addition to the Faculty of Medicine, the faculties of Nutrition, Bioanalysis, the Medical-Biological Research Institute of the UV, the Center for Studies and Health Services, near the faculties of Psychology and Nursing.

The activist reported that Flores Magón, Carmen Serdán, Agustín de Iturbide streets and the entire periphery have received reports of harassment of students university students.

“On the periphery in front of the Ecological Park that is Medicine, Nutrition, behind the Regional Park, that area from 06:30 in the followingnoon already becomes very risky for women, especially because of the issue of illumination and security because there are many people on the street who are in that area”.

To these reports of university students, there is also the report of harassment in the Zaragoza park area, located in the neighborhood of the same name.

“Lately also around the Zaragoza park, in fact it alarms us a lot because there has just been a femicide of an elderly person, so there is a lot of situation that has to do with this periphery and it also has to do with safe spaces and with a lot of street situation, where we women are being more exposed,” she commented.

Nancy Torres Castaneda, spokeswoman for the Green Beehive Collectiveconsidered that more and more cases of harassment are being reported due to the fact that this type of violence is beginning to stop being normalized, and when it is registered, the victims raise their voices making this type of aggression visible.

“We believe that women now raise their voices, they are already able to identify that this should not be correct; for us it is very important that this happens because, for example, on public transport issues, we settled in 2018, and they have presented us with countless cases in this context, but right now the women who are attacked at the moment raise their voices and demand. That is a difference, this type of violence is beginning to stop being normalized, “he said.




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