Medicine studies for León obtain the majority support of politicians…

The proposal to create a Faculty of Medicine in Leon finds majority support, but not absolute. There is some significant and underlying reluctance, the shadow of a year with two electoral calls in 2023.


Velez: «The decision corresponds to the rector». The provincial president understands that the initiative “is a historic claim that the party is not once morest, it was just missing. But it is a decision of the rector and we have important faculties that will have to continue to be strengthened. If the rector believes that there should be another faculty, we respect that. They know better than anyone what students need. The PP is in favor of improving the portfolio of services. But the decision must be made by the rector. We are in favor of the proposal and in favor of respecting its independence. They will have to measure the means they have.


Cendón: «We had proposed it two years ago». The provincial secretary of the party has a direct message: «From the PSOE, we have always supported and defended the creation of a Faculty of Medicine in León, it is a historical demand of the Leonese society that has always had a great social consensus, since the Implementation of the Degree in Medicine will allow us to improve and strengthen the health studies offered by the province, making León a benchmark for health in the medium and long term, improving the quality of our health system, from primary care to our hospitals, thus favoring the professional development of all our health personnel, and establishing measures that will allow us to face the shortage of medical professionals, which would be of great benefit to all of Leonese society. It is necessary that, without demagoguery, we approach this debate for the creation of a Faculty of Medicine at the University of León, studying all the requirements that are necessary to launch it cha».


Santos: «We claim it from Mañueco in his investiture». For the attorney in Cortes por León «we are talking regarding a historical requirement in which we have always been. We are going to support any measure in favor of a Faculty of Medicine for León. We already proposed it at the inauguration of Mañueco because we knew that this concern existed and that it was a request that we have been making since UPL exists, we support it. Already in the investiture of the president we said that we demanded the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, there is the condition that there is a serious lack of professionals throughout the country and in the Community. León has all the conditions to bring her. If there is a social outcry, if the circumstances are right and if there is a request, it is clear that we are going to work to make it a reality»


Villarroel: «What is needed is to reform healthcare». The orange coordinator in the Community clarifies: «We defended before the need for a health reform but now it is something essential. The PP does not open the 3,000 clinics that it promised in vain and there are no longer any doctors. When we were in government we had a plan, but it is something that cannot be resolved only with new powers. We need a unique EBAU, an attractive offer so that doctors can keep better conditions and not just economic ones. They cannot be more drivers than doctors, as is the case now, who spend more time on the road from one place to another or fixing computer problems on their own. Until we make these profound reforms, the problem is not going to be solved and that has to be fixed by the PP and VOX with measures and without populism. You have to make a plan, group the work centers, propose an attractive offer and cover the entire rural territory with assistance by appointment and without leaving municipalities unattended.


Calvo List: «It is a proposal that comes out like the Guadiana». For the national deputy, “it is a recurring claim, like the Guadiana, especially in institutional acts. It would bring economy and congresses, but Sánchez’s reforms have been disastrous. The large pool of professionals that we have lacks access and many leave Spain due to legal insecurity and lack of remuneration. The autonomies generate scandalous differences in salary. Sánchez is blocking all these possibilities. It is the communities that have to study the possibility and viability.”


Cepedano: “I agree with the position of the rector.” Javier Cepedano, president of the Federation of Leonese Entrepreneurs, present on Friday at the Albéitar act in which García Marín’s proposal was made public, is “in agreement with the rector’s position.”


Julio Alvarez: «It would be necessary to analyze how to maintain it». Julio Álvarez, president of the Circle, understands that “aspects should be analyzed in more depth and for that there are academics and public managers. What is clear is that a Faculty of Medicine would be a very important boost for the ULE and for the positioning of León. Apart from the fact that there is a deficit and doctors are needed. Another thing is the efficient management of public resources to build and maintain a Faculty like the one that is proposed. We welcome everything that comes to León to generate employment, wealth and recognition. Without a doubt, this medical school ticks all the boxes.”


Trail: «This way, the University Hospital would be better used». In the opinion of the provincial secretary of the union, the proposal is positive: “New doctors need to be trained and the possibility of doing so in León is very positive. I think that it would be a magnificent solution for our young people and that it would allow a better utilization task for the León University Assistance Complex. We are in favor of the creation of the Faculty of Medicine».


Josepe Vega: «Goose season is open». The secretary understands that it is not possible «We cannot see a proposal like this in any other way than with good eyes. The problem is that we have not been transferred if there is any study, but it responds to a very old ambition of this province. The proximity of the elections makes us be a little skeptical. The political reactions are going to be as favorable as they are vacuous. Goose season is officially declared open.



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